Christmas Whouffaldi

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A/N: this one-shot is really cute and i love it :33


"Christmas makes you feel emotional,
It may being parties or thought devotional.
Whatever happens or what may be,
This is what Christmas means to me..

City sidewalks, busy sidewalks dressed in holiday style,
In the air there's a feeling of Christmas.
Children laughing, people passing, meeting smile after smile,
And on every street corner you heard'"...."

Clara listened to the radio from her kitchen Christmas Eve. Oh, how she missed her Doctor. He left only about two months ago, but she couldn't stand world without him. Clara regretted lying to him about Danny coming back. Danny didn't come back. And The Doctor left. So what was Clara to do?

The clock showed 2:56am. It was already Christmas. But it didn't feel like Christmas to Clara. Under the tree was a small blue package that had To The Doctor, From Clara with love. scrawled in sloppy handwritting on top. Despite The Doctor not being there, she had seen the sparkly gold bracelet at a shop and had to get it for him. He'll come back...I know he will... She had thought to herself after she bought the bracelet.

A tear ran down Clara's cheek as the song continued. She just wanted The Doctor to come back.

Her tree twinkled infront of her.

"Silver bells, silver bells, it's Christmas time in the city..."

Clara sniffled and continued to stare at her Christmas tree. "Doctor, why did you have to leave?" she said, wipping tears off her cheeks.It was another silence filled hour until Clara finally stopped crying. The hour was filled with flash backs of her and The Doctor on adventures.

"It is not a snog box!"

"I'll be the judge of that."

The remark hadn't meant anything at the time, but now all she wanted to do is snog her Doctor. Really, a hug would do. Anything.

"Clara, my Clara."

The memories would flash in Clara's head like a movie, one after another. Each more painful than the first.

"I will not compete with a ghost."

Then the tears came again. Flooding her cheeks like a hurricane of pent up emotions. "Dear Doctor, I know you're probably in Gallifrey right now and aren't traveling anymore, but will you please come back? I sound crazy because I'm really just talking to myself. I love you, Doctor. Please come back so I can tell you that?" Clara said out loud while sitting on her sofa, cross legged.

A few minutes passed and Clara was beginning to doze off. But then it came. The familiar wheezing sound of the TARDIS. Her eyes lit up as she jumped up from the sofa, running to her bedroom. And there he was. Well, the TARDIS anyway.

Clara knocked on the door. "Come in, Clara." Said a vaguely Scottish voice from inside. Clara grinned and ran into the TARDIS before embracing The Doctor fully. She really didn't care at this point if he was against the hugging. "Clara, my Clara."

She grinned into his chest, snuggling up to him. "You came back." Clara whispered.

"Of course I did." The Doctor--surprisingly--hugged Clara back. Clara pulled away from him and kissed his cheek. "I love you, too."


"I love you, too, Clara." The Doctor said to her simply. His eyes were red as if he had been crying only minutes earlier. "I missed you, Clara. I missed you very very much."

Clara put a soft hand on his rough cheek and stroked it. "You've been crying."

He nodded and smiled sadly. "Like I told you, I missed you."

Clara smiled up at him before pressing her lips against his tenderly. At first, she pulled away, thinking she made a mistake. But he smirked at her before pulling her in for a long, beautiful kiss. Clara had to stand on her tip-toes just to properly kiss him. The Doctor smiled at this.

Clara could feel butterflies in her tummy and her lips tingled as his tongue slid past her lips. It was more powerful than any kiss Clara had ever experienced. "I love you. Please don't leave again." Clara muttered against his lips.

"I won't leave. I promise."

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