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When he looked at her, he saw sunshine. He saw happiness. Why had he waited this long to be this happy? It was almost as if when she was around, everything was okay. The Doctor tried to hide it, hide the fact that he loved her to the moon and back. But his infinite affection towards Clara couldn't be hidden. She never mentioned it, but it was obvious that she knew.

Her hair blew in the tropical planets wind when she looked out into the mass of alien land. The Doctor stood there, admiring how beautiful she looked. Her blue dress was tighter than her usual dresses and hugged her curves in all the right ways. "Doctor?" Clara quickly wipped her head around to see him looking at her quite adoringly. "What are you doing?"

"Uh--what! I'm admiring the view, of course." he quickly made up.

"Rubbish." she muttered, smirking at him with her arms crossed. "You were admiring something else."

"Shut up." He grumbled but, looking at her, he couldn't help but grin.

Clara stepped towards him and stood on her tip-toes with her hands behind her back. Her face was incredibly close to his. "Make me, Doctor." She teased.

The Doctor glared at her before placing his hands on her waist--surprised to find he liked it when they touched. He pulled her to him so their bodies were pressed against each other and kissed her fiercely. His tongue stroked her bottom lip, requesting access. Clara immediately gave in and suddenly their tongues were battling for dominance and her hands were tangled in his short silver curls. "I love you, Doctor." she whispered, pulling away to look him in the eyes.

He paused but then smiled. "I love you, too, Clara Oswald. My impossible girl." And their lips continued their dance as the alien sun behind them set.

Making the perfect whoufflé: one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now