[2] And you pray with your knees on the ground 🗸

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{Edited April 22, 2020}


MAKING its way down a worn-down path was a carriage that was filled with Fairy tail's strongest mages, the best of the best. There was nothing that could beat these mages, they were strong, mighty, tough. . .

   "But wait! Why the heck am I included in this grand strategy, anyways?!" A blonde haired, brown eyed woman by the name of Lucy exclaimed. Her head was in her hands as she shook her head slightly.

   "This was the masters' decision," Erza, a scarlet haired beauty, stated without opening her eyes. Her chin was tucked into her chest as she took in the noise around them. Peace and quiet wasn't common.

   "I think this is a pain as well. Don't you start complaining!" Gray snapped towards the blonde, irritation clear on his face.

   "But what about Gajeel? Or Juvia?!" Lucy continued, not bothered by the ice-mage.

   "They both had other work to take care of." Erza waved off the excuse.

   "Are. . .We. . .There. . .Yet?" A green faced, pink haired male groaned out. Natsu would never get over his motion sickness, even on something as important as this.

   "It's important that we have a good relationship within our own delegation." Erza explained in a hum. "It's our first strategy meeting with delegates from other guilds. Surely, that's a good thing? In the end, we're just the same group as always."

Silence settled into the carriage as Erza's words floated through their minds. She was right, as always. If they wanted to defeat the threat, they had to have good relationships with their allies.

The trees that towered over them gave away a bit, showing the blue sky with white clouds. An old building with more than one story rose up through the cracks, still in good shape.

   "There is it!" Happy exclaimed, the blue fur-ball perking up happily. "The meeting point!"

The four mages, with one flying cat, clambered out of the carriage, gathering their bags and making sure they had the right ones. The church-like building towered over them, blocking out the harsh light of the sun only slightly. 

   "I don't know about this place. . ." Lucy trailed off, pushing open the double doors that creaked at the touch. "It's a villa belonging to the Master of Blue Pegasus; Master Bob." 

   "Oh," Gray shivered at the mere thought of the cross-dressing old man. "That guy."

   "A-Are. . .we still not. . .there?" Natsu groaned, his face placed against the tile floor. His face was still a shade of green and didn't seem to be getting any better. 

   "We're already here, Natsu!" Happy chirped, used to his motion sickness after so many years. 

The little amount of lighting in the building dimmed even more before a spot-light flickered on. It stayed in one place before dragging its way to the pink colored stairs. At the top of the stairs, three men posed at the top. 

   "Ladies and Gentlemen of Fairy tail, it's a pleasure to finally meet you. We are the delegation from Blue Pegasus. . .The Trimen!"

   "Hundred Night Hibiki," Striking another pose, the gingered hair man winked down at the ladies. His brown eyes gleamed in the light and his slightly tan complexion shone. 

   "Holy Night Eve," Clearly the youngest of the three, the blonde hair, light skinned boy pointed at them dramatically. His dark colored eyes were focused on Erza and Lucy. 

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