[5] And you weaken your love 🗸

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{Edited May 16, 2020}


   "HAPPY!" Natsu exclaimed with wide eyes, watching as the two sisters and his best friend disappeared. Brain, being the last dark guild member to disappear, pointed his staff at the group of beaten down mages. 

   "I no longer have business with you scum," He spat with narrowed eyes, a green light charging itself up at the end of the staff. "Leave my sight!" 

   "Take cover!" Ren cried out, trying to crawl away from the green beam. Hibiki grabs Lucy by her sides, pushing both of them out of the way from the incoming beam. 

Natsu bear-crawls to the left while the two mages from Lamia Scale follow in a fast roll. But the death beam was practically upon them, there was no way for them to dodge the attack. 

That was until, at the last second, a towering figure darted between the spell and the group with his arms thrown out. 

   "Iron Rock Wall!" Iron pillars grew out of the ground and covered the team from the blast, protecting them from the destruction. Although the attack hit the pillars hard, they stood strong and protected everyone. 

Dust and smoke covered everyone's sight but it did nothing to cover the figure's face, who was now standing up straight.

   "Jura-sama!" Sherry exclaimed, sighing in relief. 

   "Just was you just now?" Gray asked in wonder, a small smile on his face. 

   "Amazing. . ." Ren's voice was filled with fascination. Clearly, there was a reason he was one of the Wizard Saints. 

   "Thanks for saving us." Hibiki thanked gratefully, his body still leaning over Lucy. 

   "Thanks for saving me, too," Lucy muttered to Hibiki, eyesing a few chunks of rocks that fell from above. 

Natsu didn't say a word, his eyes scanning the area with sharp eyes. He looked around wildly, looking for something or someone. 

   "Where are they?!" Natsu demanded, pointing at the spot that the dark guild once stood at. "They're gone! Dammit, they ran away!"

   "Wendy. . .Crystal. . ." Carla murmured in a small voice. Her brown eyes stared at the spot they were just at. Ren looked at the ground, his eyes furrowed with disappointment. 

   "We got owned. . ."

   "They're too strong," Eve grumbled out. 

   "Thank God you're safe, Jura-sama," Lyon said. Jura turned to face the group, showing off a white bandage with blood beginning to splotch the material. Lyon choked on his spit. "That wound. . ."

   "You are wrong. I was in critical condition," Jura barely batted an eyelash at the ever-growing blood spot. "For now, Ichiya-domo's pain relieving perfume is suppressing it temporarily." 

Jura gestured to the ginger who was prancing around, some vials he carried around in his pouch were popped open. The scent wafted around the area, causing Sherry to let out a blissful sight. 

   "What a magnificent fragrance," Sherry relaxed, sniffing the air with a smile. 

   "The pain. . .is fading!" Lucy stammered out, looking at the scratches she gained. They were still there but they weren't stinging like they were. 

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