[18] Marching away from the stream 🗸

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{Edited February 3rd, 2021}


WHEN Crystal gathered to play make-believe with Juis, Kat, and Wendy, they would always take on roles they wanted to be when they grew up.

Wendy, of course, would be a healer. Juis would be a journalist, always wanting to write as much as he could. Kat would be a painter, saying she could get paint anywhere she wanted and not get in trouble. And Crystal. . .

Crystal wanted to be an explorer. She wanted to take up as many jobs as she can and explore Fiore, beating up any bad guys along the way.

But if you told Crystal she would be fighting a staff in her future? She would have thought you were high.

Yet, here we are.

Natsu let out a cry of pain as she staff smacked him across the face. His body went flying past Crystal and Gray, the two of them risking a glance back towards the mage.

   "Wha-" Gray turned back around, but was cut off when the stick hit him across the face. Crystal turned as well, darting forward to grab the staff. Her fingers barely grasped the middle of the staff before it slipped out and smacked her in the face as well.

   "Ow!" Crystal yelped out, getting sent back. Her small body crashed into Natsu, who had just stood up, and the two of them fell to the ground.

   "Natsu! Gray! Crystal!" Lucy cried out. Her gaze dropped to the ground, and she let out a scream, seeing the staff looking up her skirt. "Pervert!"

   "Seeing the underwear of a child like you is hardly going to excite me," The staff seemingly scoffed, hitting Lucy across the face as well.

   "How horrible!" Lucy whimpered, holding her cheek gingerly. Gray wiped his cheek, glaring at the stick.

   "This guy. . ."

   "He's just a stupid stick!" Natsu huffed, pushing himself up when Crystal rolled off.

   "When I get my hands on him, he's going to become a toothpick!" Crystal hissed, screwing her face up anger.

   "He's awful," Lucy grumbled, rubbing the growing bruise on her face.

   "You okay, Lucy?" Happy asked from the side lines, face etched in worry. Crystal let out a huff, pushing herself to stand up. Her eyes carefully watched the staff as it floated in midair. He hadn't moved since his last attack, in fact he hasn't said a word.

   "The six. . ." The staff finally spoke in a mumble, the marble in his mouth popping out. "Has fallen?! Oh no! This is not good! Now he will arrive!"

   "Another one?" Crystal whined lightly, dropping her head. A light headache started to form in her temples.

   "What's the deal, huh?" Gray stood up, wiping his mouth.

   "B-Brain has another personality, you see. . ." The staff stammered, the information making Lucy let out a small gasp. "There is a face he shows to the world, which loves knowledge and goes by the codename 'Brain'," The staff visibly gulped. "And another, a hidden face, which loves destruction and goes by the codename 'Zero'."

   "Zero?!" Happy squeaked.

   "Due to the immensity and danger that his power entails, Brain himself sealed this personality away, through the use of six keys."

   "And those keys are. . ."

   "The Oracion Seis!" Crystal finished Gray's sentence.

The staff bent, making Crystal blink in surprise, as it spoke. "Due to the living link magic, when the six 'demons' fall, the personality of Zero will rise once more." A panicked look crossed his face as he whipped his head over to the new figure in the room. "W-Welcome back, Master Zero!"

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