[11] You fall through the trees 🗸

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  {Edited January 5th, 2021}


   "WE should go after Natsu-kun," Hibiki turned towards the girls, eyes narrowed.

   "Natsu," Lucy started, putting her fist under her chin. "He said something about Jellal. . ."

   "Explanations can wait! Right now, we have to-" Happy was cut off by a scream.

Crystal whipped her head around, recognizing Carla's scream, Lucy and Hibiki following suit. Carla stood in the clearing by herself, confusing her, until she spoke again.

   "Erza is gone!" Carla shouted, staring at the spot Erza once was. Lucy's eyes widened in shock and Crystal sniffed the air. "What on Earth is wrong with that girl? Without a single thanks to Wendy or Crystal!?"

   "Erza. . .You don't think she heard Jellal's name and. . ." Happy trailed off, ears flat to his head.

Crystal could still smell Erza, her scent still in the air, but it was becoming overwhelmed with whatever that beam was sending out.

   "Oh, no," Wendy clutched her head, tears pricking her eyes. "This is my fault. It's because I healed Jellal. . .They found Nirvana and now Erza-san. . .Natsu-san. . .and. . ."

   "W-Wendy, stop it," Crystal stammered, looking over at her older sister. "It wasn't all you. . ."

   "Dah," Hibiki muttered to himself. Without any warning, he sent Wendy flying back with a hit from his magic.

   "What on Earth are you doing?!" Carla screeched. Lucy let out a squeak of confusion, just as Crystal jumped forward and snarled at Hibiki.

   "Hey!" She snapped. Her fists were coated in the blue-grey color from early. "What are you doing?!"

   "Look, we don't have time," Hibiki started, already making his way over to Wendy. Crystal shifted, blocking him as Carla ran to check on her friend. "Crystal. . .We can't be turning on each other now. . ."

   "You say that, but you just attacked my sister!" Crystal glared.

   "For good reason!" Hibiki held a hand out, as if he was calming down a wild animal. Crystal's brown eyes turned stony. "Look. . .We need to go after Natsu before he does something to put him at risk. Erza as well. I can explain as we go." He paused. "I'm not doubting your strength, but I don't think you can carry your sister and run."

Crystal stared at Hibiki, looking into his eyes. Master always said the eyes were the window to the soul. . .

She didn't see any ill-will towards them in his eyes. Slowly, keeping eye contact, Crystal moved out of the way so Hibiki could pick Wendy's knocked out body up.

   "Thank you," Hibiki nodded. "Help me put her on my back?"

The two of them went over to Wendy, Hibiki crouching down as Crystal helped her sister onto his back. Finally, she was safely on, and it started another group run.

   "Sorry I startled you all like that," Hibiki apologized, maybe a good ten minutes into the jog. "I just knocked her unconscious."

   "Why?!" Lucy snapped, glaring at the man in front. "And why are we running in the first place?!"

   "We're heading after Natsu-san and Erza-san. We should head for the light as well."

   "I'm still not happy about it," Carla growled. She was in front of Crystal - as the girl didn't want her or Happy to be left behind - but behind Lucy. "Wendy may be a handful, but there is no reason to be rough."

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