[16] And hold it above your head 🗸

935 39 3

{Edited January 13, 2021}


USUALLY it was Crystal who was at the end of the line, or at least somewhere in the middle. As of this moment, though, she was leading the line.

It was a bit scary, but the thought was pushed out of the way as she continued her search for Natsu. Her fears were way less important than finding Natsu. Crystal sniffed slightly as they continued forward, trying to get the strongest scent of Natsu's scent.

Finally, she got a hit. Unfortunately, there were three other scents mixed with it, which wasn't a good sign. Her eyes narrowed as she threw her hand back to tap the closest person to her; Jura.

   "I smell Natsu, but there's three other people mixed with it. I can't make the  scent out too well." She whispered. Jura nodded, lightly touching the spot where Crystal hit before giving her shoulder a squeeze of appreciation.

   "I can lead from here," Jura said, making Crystal nod her head frantically.

   "Yes, please do!"

Jura continued onward, Crystal letting him past before following after Lucy and Gray. She mumbled an 'around the corner' to Jura and he did just that. The bulky man opened his mouth to say something, but stopped dead in his tracks. The rest of the group followed.

   "There he is!" Gray pointed at Brain, who was dragging Natsu by his beloved scarf. As if he just noticed their presence, Brain stopped and stared at them in surprise.

   "Natsu! What happened to you?" Lucy gasped.

   "'Cause this is a vehicle." A pitiful voice called to the group's left. Crystal looked over and spotted Happy laying on the ground.

   "So cat-dono is well." Jura confirmed to himself.


   "Happy!" Crystal cried out, running over to the blue tomcat.

   "Everyone. . .Save Natsu! He's been taken away." Tears pricked the corners of Happy's eyes as Crystal picked him up. The bluenette was gentle, running back to the group and crouching down behind Jura. She put Happy on the ground in front of her, so Jura protected her body and she protected Happy's.

   "E-Er, I wouldn't be able to heal you completely, but enough to gain your magic back!" Crystal explained, a blue-gray aura surrounding him. Happy instantly relaxed. "My healing magic isn't as strong as Wendy's. . ."

   "The six demons have lost half of its members and have fallen down to Earth," Brain stated in a monotone voice. This caused Crystal to stop her healing, her eyes wearily looking back at Brain. "I'm taking this boy in order to make him a new member of the six demons."

   "I knew the day would come when he'd be recruited by a dark guild," Gray muttered, clenching his teeth.

   "Natsu won't obediently follow your orders!" Lucy retorted.

   "Nirvana will turn his heart dark and he'll become my arms and legs," Brain said, acting like it was the obvious answer.

   "Like I'd do that!" Natsu suddenly spoke up, turning his head to bite down hard on Brain's arm. The leader of the Oracion Seis yelled in pain, and maybe surprise, before swinging his arm up and around. Natsu landed on the ground hard enough to make it crack.

   "So, you do have some strength remaining!" Brain exclaimed. Natsu let out a groan in response.

   "He's not feeling well," Jura commented. Crystal let out of huff in agreement, now standing in between Lucy and Gray. Her eyes narrowed as she stared at Brain and Natsu.

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