[22] This tree it will die 🗸

906 34 9

{Edited June 29th, 2021}


BY the time Erza had returned to the group, the sky had turned into its natural sky blue color. In a collective agreement, the group started to walk towards the closest guild to them: Cait Shelter. White fluffy clouds gave them coverage when the trees thinned out and the sun had barely risen any higher before they saw the first silhouette of buildings. Crystal and Wendy instantly perked up at the sight of their home, eagerly starting to lead the group now.

Just as their whole guild came into view, a shriek was heard. Not the normal cry of pain the group had been used to since they started this mission, but a high-pitched wail of happiness of someone's name.


The said girl looked towards the source of the voice, barely having any time to react before she was tackled to the ground in a bone-crushing hug. Arms wrapped around her waist and held tightly, leaving Crystal to do the same as she wrapped her arms around the boy's shoulder.

   "Oh my god, Crystal!" The little brown haired and golden eye boy, Juis, held tightly onto her. "I thought something bad happened! We saw the explosion, and the Master said he couldn't-!"

Juis's blabbering was cut off by Crystal giving him a reassuring squeeze. "Juis!" She whined playfully. "I thought you knew me better! We've only been friends for five years! Didn't I promise to come back in the first place?!"

Crystal felt her shoulder get a bit wet as Juis nodded into her shoulder. She felt some tears fall as well, seeing as for a short moment, she thought she wouldn't return to this. . .

   "I knew you wouldn't break your promise to me. You never do." Juis murmured. Wendy watched the reunion a few feet away. Carla and Kat were watching as well, one cooing and the other watching with a stony gaze. The group was just a little bit behind them, watching the kids with small smiles.

Wendy only looked away from the duo when someone placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. It was Erza.

   "It seems she has someone head-over-heels for her already." She stated playfully, though the wound was still a bit fresh since sadness lined her eyes. Wendy smiled a bit more.

   "Everyone in the guild expects them to get together once they get older." Wendy replied, looking back at her younger sister as Juis pulled her over to his mother, Briee. The older woman was giving Crystal a huge hug before dotting on the fact that her nose was still broken.

Eventually, Briee pulled Wendy over and gave her the same once over, only this time it ended in a group hug. Briee had Wendy, Crystal and Juis wrapped up in her arms as she wept happily. Juis had his arms wrapped around both Crystal and Wendy, though he was close to Crystal. It looked like he wasn't letting her go anytime soon. Wendy and Crystal held each other as well and Crystal managed to wrap an arm around Juis.

Although they were crying, the smiles on their faces could light the whole world then.


   "AHH! SO CUTE!" Lucy flaunted over in her new outfit. She wore a pink bikini top that had a matching pink skirt, tied together with white ribbons. She had braided her hair into twin braids and Crystal put a pink flower in her bangs.

   "I assure you, mine's cuter." Sherry retorted, posing in the mirror that was nearby.

   "I think both of your outfits are cute!" Crystal chirped, indirectly trying to not start an argument between the two. She had changed out of the outfit Virgo gave her and into the same dress that she met the group in. The only difference was the flower Lucy put in her hair as a gift.

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