[Epilogue] What will you leave behind? 🗸

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{Edited June 29th, 2021}

{I guess, technically, it was the 30th. But I'm still up, I haven't slept, and it's the 29th to me.}


IT was a quiet walk through the forest as the group of Fairy Tail mages, plus two, trekked towards their next destination. They were heading to a ship that would take them back to Magnolia. Wendy was sniffling every great now and again, but she had stopped most of her crying by now. What fueled her to keep going was the fact that her real sister was out there somewhere, probably by herself. . .

Speaking of Crystal, Wendy still clutched onto the gem that had dropped in front of her after she had. . .disappeared.

She was done grieving, the girl never stayed sad for long in the first place, but she couldn't help but feel betrayed. Wendy glanced down at her best friend Carla, only to see her never-ending stoic expression. Though it stayed emotionless, Wendy knew she was hurting as well. Crystal and Carla had been close; though not as close as Wendy and Carla - or even Kat and Crystal for that matter - but it was close enough.

Too close.

Lucy, walking alongside Wendy, noticed instantly what she was clutching onto. "Hey, Wendy?" She called. The said girl snapped out of her trance and looked at the blonde with a smile. Lucy's heart throbbed a bit more at the force expression.

   "Yes?" She hummed.

   "If you don't mind me asking - what's in your hand?" The others who were in front of them - Natsu, Gray, Erza, and Happy - glanced back to look at the two of them. Wendy scuffed the tip of her shoe into the dirt, wincing at the thought of Crystal doing the same thing.

   "E-Er, it's a gem. It fell in front of me as soon as Crystal vanished." Wendy opened her palm, showing off the gem. It caught the ray of sun that leaked through the leaves, making it sparkle in the sunlight and shine. It made it seem prettier than it was.

   "Oh!" Lucy watched the object with sparkly eyes. "It's so pretty!"

   "It kind of looks like Crystal's magic circle," Gray observed, leaning forward to get a better look. As if agreeing with him, the inside of the gem seems to move.

   "That's what I thought," Wendy agreed. "I decided as soon as we get to Fairy Tail, I'll make a necklace out of it!"

Carla glanced at the gem, but quickly looked away as it gleamed. As if to taunt her. "We better get going if we want to be there before sundown." She commented tartly. The rest nodded in agreement as they continued their short journey to the docks. Wendy glanced back down at the gem, it sparkling as soon as Wendy looked at it.

  I'll see you again, Crystal. I'll make sure you don't ever disappear again. . .


A young girl let out a battle cry as she charged towards her opponent. In her hand was a sword that looked like one part of a scissor, the handle being real gold with a ruby in the middle of it. It was one of the smaller blades that she could hold, but it was big enough to do some serious damage if used correctly. Her opponent was a scarlet haired woman, with a spear in her hand currently. But that could change at a moment's notice.

The attacks were head-on and calculated, the sound of clinging swords ringing throughout the training room. On the side-lines, leaning against the wall, three figures watched the two fight it out.

   "My money is on Knightwalker there," A man with blond hair bets, crossing his armored arms over his baby pink chest plate.

   "Pfft! Shorty there has gotten stronger since we first picked her up. A week's worth of patrol duty says she can beat her!" Another guy stated, his purple messy with white bangs in his face.

   "They are both equally strong, I wouldn't be surprised if they tied." The last soldier, with a sword of his own, spoke with closed eyes.

   "Whatever," The other two sighed, shaking hands secretly behind his back. They turned back to the fight, with bets now on their minds, just in time to see the child jump back from an upcoming attack.

Dodge, swipe, block. Dodge, swipe, block. It was the same moves that she was supposed to do, hardwired to do. Finally, the two clashed their swords for a final time before just standing there, panting for air.

   "I'm impressed. You've actually stayed in pace with me." The red head, Knightwalker, praised. The little girl only nodded but a small, hopeful smile grew on her face.

   "Does that mean I can join you guys on missions now?!" She asked with a bit of desperation. Knightwalker drew her weapon back to its resting place, thinking.

   "I don't see why not. You've proved yourself enough." Knightwalker nodded. "You can join us on our next mission alert."

The little girl cheered excitedly, giving Knightwalker a hug. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She turned around, dashing over to the three figures that stood by watching. "Did you see that, Lily?!" The child tackled the tall, armored exceed into a hug. "What 'bout you, Sugarboy, Hughes!?" The two men only grunted before turning away. They both knew that Pantherlily was definitely going to bring this up later.

   "You did well, Lil Spirit." The corners of Lily's mouth curved up into a small smile before disappearing. The girl giggled at her nickname before wiggling out of the exceeds' grip.

   "Oh! I got to go tell Meloetta and Keldeo!" She gasped, turning on her heels to run out of the room. She was most likely going to her own room.

Pantherlily's somewhat pleased expression dropped as soon as she was out of the room. "How long till then?" He asked. All the emotion seemed to be sucked out of the room. Knightwalker seemed to tense up at the question, as did Sugarboy and Hughes.

There was an underlying statement to the question.

   "Not long. But we do know our next destination." Everyone was facing Knightwalker now as she talked. With a small sigh, she continued. "A place called 'Magnolia'."

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