[3] For the things that you need 🗸

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 {Edited April 25, 2020}


THEIR adventure through the forest was a long and quiet one. The two sisters talked about everything under the sun, even having a long pause in conversation just for silence. 

They didn't always have to be saying something to hang out. The silence was just as good as the talk. Currently, it wasn't that quiet, since Crystal was humming a tune under her breath. 

They walked side-by-side, like a pair usually does, the sun shining brightly. Shadows danced around them, right through the branches and leaves, making patterns that Crystal couldn't help but notice. Wendy was looking around the forest in awe. 

   "Have you never seen a forest before, Wendy-nee?" Crystal teased, giggling as a pink blush crossed Wendy's cheeks. 

   "Of course I have!" Wendy exclaimed in embarrassment. Her cheeks died down to their natural color when she saw her little sister giggle. "I-I just thought it looks really cool! The flowers, the shadows, everything. . ." 

   "Yeah, the flowers are really pretty," Crystal agreed, glancing around at the pink petals. Her pretty brown gaze went from the pink petals, to the dark shadows, the green trees, before finally settling on the sun. Her blue eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Uh, Wendy-nee? We're supposed to be there by noon, right?"

   "Yeah?" Wendy drawled out, wondering what she meant. 

   "The sun would be in the middle of the sky?"

   "You're right."

   "Well. . .It's clearly passed that point now. . ."

They paused, staring into each others' eyes before slowly bringing their gaze to the sky. Crystal and Wendy stood there for a second, trying to look up at the sun the best they could, before their heads snapped back down. 

   "We're late!!" They exclaimed together, eyes widening comically before they set off in a dead sprint. 

   "Nee-chan! Use your powers to help us go faster!"

   "Crystal, that's not how it works and you know it!"

The two bluenettes leapt over logs, ducked under branches, and flew through bushes as they tried to get to the meeting point faster. 

Wendy, being the clumsy one, almost fell a hundred times, but Crystal was quick to help her run on. Finally, after Crystal herself nearly fell, the building loomed in front of them in all its glory. 

The leaves that crunched under their feet changed to echoing footsteps as Crystal heaved out; "I-I told you we would be late!" 

   "I-I'm sorry we're late!" Wendy cried out in a flurry of words. "Um, uh - Ah!!" And with a thud, her clumsy sister fell face-first into the carpeted ground. 

   "Nee-chan!" Crystal squeaked just as she tripped over Wendy's feet. The landed with a softer thud  on top of her sister, although Wendy let out a pained groan. "Warn me. . .next time. . ."

It was dead silent as the two sisters scrambled to stand on their own two feet. Wendy patted down her gold and blue patterned  dress, making sure the white parts (the bow, sleeves and bottom of the dress) were still white. Crystal copied her sister's motions, dusting off her light blue dress with pink flowers. 

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