[20] Marching away from the stream 🗸

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{Edited June 29th, 2021}


THE entrance to the room that held Lacrima One was just in front of the duo, the two of them taking deep labored breaths as they fought the pain inflicted on them. Stopping at the entrance, Natsu leaned against the wall and stared down at the man they were supposed to defeat.


   "So, you still live?" Zero mused, a smirk on his face. "What business do you have here, brat?" He asked. Natsu chuckled, baring his canines at Zero as the man himself raised an eyebrow.

   "Lets see who it's gonna be that's destroyed in the end. . .Me or you." Natsu challenged.

   "Ne," Crystal started, pushing herself to walk into the light. She let go of Natsu's jacket, a hard look on her face as she flashed her own small canines. "Don't forget about me that easily, Natsu."

If anything, Zero looked even more amused that Crystal had decided to join the fight. The world around them seemed to fall silent, the literal calm before the storm. As if the two of them were reading each other's mind, Crystal's and Natsu's eyes widened in anticipation before they charged forwards.

Natsu reached Zero first, throwing a fist lit with fire at Zero's head. Zero shifted, taking a step back and glanced up. It was where Crystal was, having jumped over Natsu and tried for a round-house kick. Zero dropped his body to be eye level with Natsu as he dodged her kick.

At the same time, Crystal placed her fists in front of her mouth, spewing storm clouds at Zero while Natsu breathed out fire. Their roars caused a big explosion, the two elements mixing together, and they landed on their feet easily.

   "Hm," Zero's voice hummed as the smoke dissipated, showing not even a scratch on him. "Your movements are better than before."

A strangled noise tried to escape Crystal's throat, but she forced it back down, grimacing in thought. I knew Zero would be a hard fight. . .but not this hard. . .

Zero pointed two fingers at the mages, a dark glow surrounding the digits as he prepared for his one attack. "Dark Capriccio!"

A beam of dark matter shot towards them, causing Crystal to let out a squeak and duck. The beam passed over her head, just catching the ends of her braid, making her blue hair cascaded down her shoulders. Crystal glanced back, shivering at the huge hole that was in the wall now. Better her hair than herself, she guessed. . .

   "Don't make the mistake of thinking my magic is the same as Brain's," He stated, a cold grin on his face. Crystal snapped her head back towards the enemy, nearly giving herself whiplash.

They didn't even have time to process his words before a dark beam shot out from under Natsu and hit him in the jaw. Another beam hit Crystal from behind, making her stumble. Zero let out a chuckle, swiping his arm left and making another beam hit Crystal in the stomach.

A gasp escaped her mouth as the air was knocked out of her, a ragged cough following as she landed on her back.

   "Which one of us will be destroyed, you asked?!" Zero cackled. "I should think that it is obvious to all!"

Warm flames licked Natsu's fists as the fire mage glared at Zero, spinning around. "Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!" He shouted, locking his arm straight and holding his elbow with his other hand. The flames burst towards Zero like a beam, hitting him dead on. But the white-haired man just cackled loudly, like it was a joke.

Once the spell died down, Natsu bowed his head tiredly, panting harder. Crystal grunted, pushing herself to stand.

   "Stopping a magic designed for penetration head-on. . .Interesting. . ." Zero smirked, opening his mouth to say something else but his mouth snapped shut and his eyes went wide with shock. A somewhat familiar smell drifted towards Crystal, making her stop in her tracks. It couldn't have been her imagination, since Natsu seemed frozen as well from the scent.

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