[9] What will you leave behind? 🗸

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{Edited January 2, 2021}


   "CRYSTAL!  Crystal, wake up!"

   "Nee, I don't wanna." The said girl cried out - rolling over. "In. . .Indira said I can sleep in today while you and Deeney go practice. . ." The two-year-old shivered, finally noticing that something was missing. ". . .Where's Deeney and Indira?"

   "That's what I was trying to wake you up for! They're gone!" The younger version of Wendy cried out, sniffling.

   "Maybe they're getting me medicine?" Crystal squeaked out, coughing soon after. Wendy shook her head fearfully, pointing outside.

   "Crystal, you've been asleep for almost the whole day. I haven't even heard them. You know how much Indira likes to mess around with Grandeeney!"

   "Where would they go?" Crystal cried out softly, holding her hands out in a gesture she wanted to be picked up.

   "I don't know. . ." Crystal whimpered, making Wendy panic slightly as she started spewing things out. "It's okay though! We're going to go walk outside of the cave and go find them! It can't be that hard, dragons can be seen for miles!"

   "R-Really?" Crystal rubbed her running nose, making Wendy sigh and take some moss.

   "Blow." She commanded, putting the moss to her nose as a tissue. When Crystal complied, she continued. "Really. It won't be that long. Maybe they found something that can cure your little cold here!"

   "Indira said it wasn't a cold. . ."

   "Yeah, well, Indira doesn't really like humans, now does she? Come on, they're probably coming back right now."


CRYSTAL let out another huff as she continued to run behind Natsu. Carla and Happy were now under each other, having switched them so she could easily hold onto them. Sweat dripped down her face and branches tore at her dress, tearing pieces off and ripping it.

Her thoughts ranged from Gray, to memories, to stupid little questions that she could easily answer.

She wanted to turn around and help Gray, but she knew she couldn't do anything besides get in his way. Crystal may love to fight, but she knows she doesn't have the experience that everyone does.

I hope he's alright She thought, her head turning towards Natsu at his grumbling.

   "Jellal. . .That asshole. . .What is he doing in a place like this?" Realizing that Crystal was staring at him, he turned his attention onto her. "You okay? Do we need to rest?"

He really didn't want to rest but he didn't want the poor girl to pass out on him either. Crystal knew that, as well.

   "The sooner we get to your friend, the better." She shook her head. Just as Natsu opened his mouth to say something, he snapped it shut and stopped running.


Crystal stopped as well, glancing at Natsu with concern as he whipped his head around.

   "That voice. . ." Natsu murmured.

   "Natsu-san, is something wrong?" Crystal asked, but she didn't get an answer.

   "It's me. . .Hibiki of Blue Pegasus. Thank goodness. . .I was getting worried since I wasn't getting through to anyone else."

   "Where are you?!" Natsu shouted. Crystal sweat-dropped.

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