[17] Success is a song of the heart; not a song of your bed 🗸

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{Edited February 2nd, 2021}


AT the edge of a lake, not so far from a cliff, was Nirvana's first destination. A simple village with a main building shaped like a cat. No one was milling around the worn cobble paths, the village almost looked completely deserted.

A figure of a man exploded from the foliage that surrounded the place, dashing to the cat-shaped building as fear took hold of him. "Everyone! We got trouble!" He shouted as soon as he was past the blanketed entrance. "Nirvana is heading this way!"

The mans' fear and panic quickly slithered its way into the others, causing them to start shouting as well. "Did the Allied Forces Operation fail?!"

   "Even with Erza and Jura there?!"

   "Master!" A young woman scowled, her golden eyes narrowed at their guild master. The old man himself was sitting in a chair in front of her, his snow white beard and hair combining into one white mess.

   "Nabura," He grunted, pouring some booze into a cup. When the booze barely  kissed the lip of the cup, he started to chug the liquid from the bottle. Most of the guild members looked exasperated by his actions.

   "If you're drinking straight from the bottle, don't serve it to others!" The guy that had just entered the hut exclaimed. "Anyway, Nirvana is heading-"

   "What?!" The master's eyes shot open as he stared at them. Brown liquid flew out of his mouth as he continued, "Is it true?!"

   "Master! Please talk after your mouth is empty!" The same woman from before scowled him again.

   "Nirvana is heading this way. . ." The master complied, swallowing his drink. "Is this fate, or is this coincidence, nabura. . ."

   "I hope Wendy and Crystal are safe. . ."

   "Yeah, if something bad happens. . .We won't be much help."

   "Momma?" A boy, the same age as Crystal, wondered up to the brown-haired woman. He looked exactly like her in all aspects, clueing that this was her son.  "Will Crystal be alright?"

   "Of course she is!" A light pink cat exclaimed, her ice blue eyes burning with a fire. "This is Crystal we're talking about! Remember that time when Lackie took her doll?"

Everyone around the trio chuckled at the memory, bringing a small shred of hope back.

   "Don't worry," The master had chugged another shot, the booze dripping down his beard as he spoke.

   "Drink it right!"

   "Light magic is still alive! Nabura is shining more than ever!" Everyone in the tent cheered, their hopes rising even more. Juis picked up Kat, swinging her around in cheer. Kat giggled.

But a small group huddled nearby, a frown pulling on their lips.

   "But it's not a coincidence. . ."

   "There's someone who knows our true identity. . ."

Juis stopped spinning Kat as his mother put a gentle hand on his shoulder. A grim expression crossed the mothers' face as Juis and Kat furrowed their eyebrows.

   "I almost forgot about that. . ." The mother sighed.

   "Kat?" Juis looked down, watching Kat perk up at her name. "Do you think it's true?"

   "I. . ." Kat stammered. "I think it's true, Juis. Someone was bound to find out, sadly. . ."

   "That's why they're aiming here!" An older woman let out a gasp of realization, the guild erupting into panic again.

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