[14] With your lust and your greed weighing down 🗸

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{Edited January 10th, 2021}


THE sun was starting its descent from the sky, splashes of orange and pink replicating a painting she once saw. The clouds were loftily floating around, colors ranging from glittering gold to periwinkle blue.

Wendy Marvel sat on the edge of a cliff, head resting on her knees. Her eyes never wavered from the distance.

   "Maybe it would be better if I didn't come along at all. . ." Wendy murmured, gripping her arms tighter.

   "Are you still thinking like that? Honestly. . ." Carla huffed, crossing her arms. She stood a little bit behind the young girl, flicking her tail.


  "If you keep thinking so negatively, you could lose your heart to the darkness, you know." Carla interrupted.

   "I really am. . ."

   "But if you have not been there, Erza would have been dead by now."

   "In the end. . .We left Lucy-san and the others behind. I even left Crystal, Carla! My own sister!" Wendy cried out.

   "There was hardly anything we could have done in that situation." Carla sighed, trying to convey some comfort. Wendy shuffled her knees closer to her chest, her gaze going back to the sunset.

   "But we didn't even find Nirvana. . ."

   "Oh, I don't know about that," Carla glanced over at Wendy, whose bangs covered her face. "You were happy to finally meet that Jellal person, at least, weren't you?"

   "I. . ."

   "Who exactly is that Jellal, anyways. You said you owed him a debt. But I don't recall you ever mentioning such a thing. Even Crystal seemed highly confused about it." Carla mentioned. Wendy looked over to her best friend, a small smile growing on her face.

   "You're right, I never did tell you, did I?" With a deep breath, she started the small story. "It was seven years ago. . .Sky Dragon Grandine had vanished, along with her sister, Storm Dragon Indira. Crystal and I were all alone and lost on the road. . .We only had each other.

   "Crystal had been sick, but it got worse while we were on the road. I tried everything I could to help her, but my magic wasn't as strong as it is now with healing." Wendy breathed out shakily, gaining her bearings. "It was Jellal that saved us back then. He actually made Crystal a bit better, even though she stayed sick.

   "Jellal was also lost on the road. So we ended up traveling with him for a month. But one day - he said something strange all the sudden. . .Anima."

Carla whipped her head towards Wendy, eyes wide. "Anima?!"

   "Uh-huh," Wendy shrugged slightly. "I still don't get what he meant by it. . .But he said it would be too dangerous for Crystal and me to stay with him, so he left us in the care of a guild. And that guild was Cait Shelter." She finished the story.

   "So. . .What happened to Jellal after that?" Carla asked.

   "I never saw him till today. I heard rumors, of course, about the Councilor that looked just like him. . .About how he'd been doing all sorts of terrible things," A pink blush was just barely noticeable on her cheeks. "But the Jellal I knew was incredibly kind."

Carla glanced at the ground, her ears pinned down in sadness.

   "Do you think. . .He still remembers us?"

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