[19] This tree it will die without leaves 🗸

850 29 2

{Edited June 17th, 2021}

I'm going to try and get back into this.


RAGGED breaths escaped Wendy's open mouth as she continued to run. Carla ran on her left, keeping her gaze forwards, glancing at her friend once in a while.

She doesn't know how long she's been running for, but Wendy knew it was a good ten minute run. A pit in her stomach was steadily growing and it has been since she left the building she left her sister in.

In the distance, two figures were starting to appear in her line of sight, the sun nearly blinding Wendy as she peered at them. But she would recognize the locks of blue hair anywhere.

   "Jellal!" She hollered, causing the two figures to turn towards her.

   "Erza is with him, too!" Carla pointed out, seeing the flash of red hair in the sun.

   "Wendy!" Erza smiled as Carla and Wendy got closer. "So you're alright. Thank goodness."

The two members of Cait Shelter slowed down, stopping just in front of the older mages.

   "Who are you?" Jellal asked sheepishly. Wendy's face broke slightly at the question, tilting her head to the ground.

  He really doesn't remember us. . .me. . .

   "Jellal's memories have been damaged somewhat," Erza explained gently, seeing the heart-broken look on Wendy's face. "It seems he doesn't remember either of us right now."

Jellal shifted his stance, looking back down at Wendy with a bit of guilt on his face. "Did I. . .know you?"

A wave of realization hit Wendy, but Carla spoke what they both were thinking first. "I sure hope you haven't forgotten how to stop Nirvana on top of everything!"

   "The self-destruct array will be of no use at this moment. . .I don't know what else to do. I'm sorry."

   "No way. . ." Wendy whimpered.

   "Then what's going to happen to our guild?!" Carla exploded, her mind going to the people they left behind. "It's right in front of us!"

The ground rumbled around them, like an earthquake. The group looked around frantically, trying to find the cause of it.

   "What is this?" Erza mumbled before her face warped into one of shock. "There not. . .firing Nirvana!?"

   "Stop!" Wendy shrieked, tears starting to fall down her face as the white bomb fired. Its target was a straight bulls-eye on the guild below. Just as it got too close, Nirvana tipped towards the left, just barely hitting the tip of the cat-like hut.

A breath of relief escaped everyone's lungs before they started to tumble. Erza was quick to grab into the back of Wendy's dress, making sure she didn't fall.

   "What on-?" Jellal gasped, grabbing onto the corner of a building to stop himself from sliding. Erza looked up with wide eyes as a metal pegasus appeared from the clouds, destroyed badly but somehow flying.

   "That's. . .The magical bomber airship, Christina!" Erza exclaimed. Wendy had her arms wrapped around Erza's waist as she stared up at the ship in shock.

   "Can you hear me? If you're safe, please respond!" A voice echoed in Wendy's mind. Erza must have heard the same thing, since she put two fingers to her temple.


   "Erza-san? And Wendy-chan! You're both safe!" A sigh of relief was heard before another voice piped up.

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