Can I Have Your Number?

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sorry for the infrequent updates! school basically consumes all my time *cough* biology *cough*

here's a cute thingy i just wanna publish so it's probably really bad because i haven't really revised it as much as usual

Words: 1,694

Seeing the new seating chart plastered on the whiteboard from the projector physically pained Phil.

Algebra wasn't difficult, yet somehow the people who were the most idiotic were stuck in the class, one being Dan Howell, who just happened to get the seat next to Phil this marking period, which fortunately happened to be the last of their middle school year.

Taking a seat, Howell walked in moments later, scanned the seating chart, then plopped in the seat next to Phil, admiring the other individuals at their table.

One, a blonde haired girl named Lauren, began pulling out her notebook as the teacher began the lesson. Phil, taking out his notebook once noticing this, tuned into the lesson, until the teacher assigned the group to work on fifteen problems from the book together.

"So, table mates. I'm Dan," Howell spoke up after flipping to the assigned page.

"We've been in this class of three fourths of the year. We already know your name," Phil replied.

"C'mon, Phil. I'm just trying to be friendly."

Unable to think of a comeback, Phil began dating his paper and starting the assigned problems.

"Mrs. H is an asshole," Dan snorted beside Phil. "I can't wait for high school."

"She's not that bad," Lauren replied. "I had Mr. Smith last year."

"You poor soul," Phil says sympathetically, not looking up from his paper.

Lauren blushes and smiles down at her paper, resulting in Dan snorting. "You two would be a cute couple."

Lauren's blush seems to grow and Phil leans back in his chair laughing slightly. "I thought it was a pretty known fact that I don't exactly..." Phil began to explain, then drifted off.

"Exactly what?" Dan inquired, leaning forward in his chair.

Considering lying for a moment, Phil shrugged. "Favor relationships with females."

The table grew silent; Lauren's blush yet again growing.

Dan shrugged. "Cool, dude," he said, turning back to his paper.

Phil mistakenly felt the nonexistent sarcasm and snorted slightly, turning his back to the brown haired boy beside him.


2 years later

Marking periods change and so do people, yet Dan Howell was not expecting Phil Lester to be taking wood shop. From what he knew from eight grade Phil, he was a complete and utter clutz, dropping and breaking everything in sight, drawing the realization to Dan that the boy at some point would hammer his own hand.

Off the bat, Dan noticed one change immediately: attractiveness. Two years previous, Phil had orange hair hanging in his eyes, covering the sparkling blue Dan never knew. Now, his hair was shorter and dyed black, revealing his crystal eyes. Not to mention how much he grown.

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