Chapter 1: The Arrival

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The most exciting part about this year was senior year. I have been dreaming of this ever since I was a little girl and it was finally here. I stared excitedly into the mirror, wondering how my day will be. I was only hoping for the best. I quickly brushed my hair, messing it a bit to look messy. I was actually aiming for sexy.

"I'll be there soon!" I shouted as dad knocked on my door, impatient to leave.

My dad was always busy. He worked so hard to be where he is now, one of the highest paid journalists in the country. I dream to be like him.

I quickly opened the door, exhaled deeply and and began to walk. As I was walking downstairs, I felt a zoo of butterflies which was weird because I had never been nervous for school. I just hated it. As I appeared in the kitchen, mom greeted me with a smile and her awesome chicken fillet sandwich. I almost felt complete.

"Make the best out of this one Maddy. Don't take bullshit from anyone. Be yourself, okay?" She said to me as if she was worried.

Mom's words echoed in my head the whole 5 minute drive to school. I only hoped my 'enemy' , Naomi wouldn't be here anymore. She's just so dramatic and immature. But I really didn't know nor understand why she had so much hate for me.

As I got out of the car, dad gave me lunch money and wished me a good day. To be honest, I was really nervous. Luckily for me, a few of my close friends had already arrived. It was refreshing seeing Samantha and Sandra. Samantha was the craziest girl in my grade, loudest and she had the most beautiful smile. She really was a sweet girl, but sometimes, she'd be too fake for words to even describe.

Time went by so quick, the whole school was packed. I saw the freshman looking all so excited. 'huh! If only you knew how horrible high school was.' I said silently to myself. Most senior girls were divided into 4 groups, the gossips, nerds, crazies and the ones who fit on everywhere. But we all managed to be in one circle laughing together. Amazing right?

I was practically blank the entire time. I paid no attention to their silly conversations about new clothes and who's dating who. That wasn't me. I was so focused about seeing the new people and making this year count. With that thought, came out the new boy who looked very familiar. I could tell he'd be a senior because he was tall, well dressed and had an ego. He deserved it though. He was really handsome. The sad part though was that all girls were now hunting for him, which, unfortunately, gave him a bigger head about himself.

The bell rang for all students to assemble at the school hall for notifications about classes and home room teachers. That was honestly a waste of time. But it helped because the new boy sat behind me. I felt like squealing like a fan girl.

About 30 minutes past and we headed to our first class. English! Don't take me wrong, I love English class, I just never had patience for Mrs Alison. She'd always nag about incomplete work and failed test. She was too old anyway. I only had fun in English when my friend Natalia sat next to me. We were like little rascals.

Nobody in class paid any attention to the teacher because we were all boasting about our vacation, holiday flings and new items. Girls are so materialistic. And the boys? Typical, sports, girls and sex! All these boys were thirsty! Such losers. It was finally break and all seniors gathered by their class, making out, smoking or even gossiping lies out. I got annoyed and went to check on my school sister, Nicole. She was two years younger than me but I still loved and understood her mainly because I don't have sisters and I wish I had a younger sister. It was only 10 minutes since I'd seen her but the bell rang for my next lesson, History! I suddenly rejoiced with thrill.

Having fun so far? Read ahead to know how Maddy met her mistake. I hope you're enjoying!
Thank you for reading!

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