Chapter 4: The Agreement?

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I don't think I heard him right. He just said he likes me. How? Why? I really didn't understand. It was all too quick.

As speechless as I was, I managed to let out a few words, "What do you mean you like me? You just met me! "

"Actually, you're wrong. I've known you and I've liked you ever since we were kids. And I know you like me too." He said so while folding his arms.

"So what. You think I'm going to date you? You're so full of yourself." I really was pissed. "Look, Seth, you're really kind, but I don't think we'd, we'd be good for each other."

"Why are you resisting? But you're right. I'm sorry for being so forward. I didn't mean to offend you." He said while focusing on Miss Valentina's lesson.

To be honest, I felt really bad. I did like him but I was just afraid of getting hurt because I knew he'd hurt me. I was willing to give him everything. Miss Valentina's lesson was over and it was time for Biology class. I was looking forward to it because Seth wasn't in it. I saw my best friend Tyler Simmons, he waved and signed that he has a chair saved for me. I just smiled and rushed to hug him. He knew me better than anyone else and believe me, sometimes I hated it because I couldn't lie to him. He was always by my side and that is why I loved him so much!

"What's up? You look upset. Having a rough day?" Tyler asked

"Seth just told me he likes me. I like him back but I just don't think it's a good idea. Im just not sure about it." I looked down at my hands and wiped the sweat through my black jeans.

"Well, if you're not ready to be with him, tell him. If he cares about you, he'll definitely wait. Every guy loves you, they'd die to be in his position. I know I would." I hugged me and kissed my cheek. I felt so special until Miss Yasmin slammed detention slips in front of us.

"Really? Everyone knows we're best friends!" I shouted at her.

"Public display of affection is not allowed Miss Bennett. You should know better." She yelled back and I apologized.

It was time for lunch and I decided to walk to the basketball court to clear my head. If only I thought and remembered, I would've known that Seth would be there. Shit! His presence was breathtaking. The sun kissed his skin, made him glow. His arms appeared strong, his height was perfect for a basketball player. I was literally mesmerized by his beautiful features. For a minute, I forgot I was watching him, I heard no noise of the ball making love to the ground and there he was, standing by the gate with one hand up and another holding the ball.

"Are you okay?" Seth asked me looking really amazed at seeing me there.

"Uhm, yeah. I'm okay. I didn't know you'd be here. I'll leave you." I said and turned.

Seth came running towards me, "No,no,no. Don't go." He held my hand and we were chest to chest close. "Have you ever shot before? Played basketball?" He pulled me close, I followed him into the court. Still, half of the time, I was speechless around him. What the hell was wrong with me? I found myself standing in front of the hoop with Seth behind me. He gave me the ball and told me to shoot and typically for a girl afraid of balls, I missed. However, Seth found it funny and suddenly, we both laughed. After that failed attempt, he walked towards me, gave me the ball and stood so close behind me I could feel him hard. I felt really awkward but I ignored the boner. He held my small hands into his big hands, our hands on the ball. He counted to 3 and I made my first shot. I jumped with excitement and hugged him as if I just received a car, but I remembered who I was with and I pulled back.

"Thanks for that. I should get going." I said and started walking.

"Maddy!?" He shouted.

"Yeah?" I replied.

He came my way and stood few inches from me. "Will you be my girlfriend?" We both paused and looked at each other. "I know it's too soon, but I really like you and I'd love to spend more time with you. And if you agree, we'll keep it low for as long as you want." He reached for my hand. "I promise you won't regret it."

I held his hand back, it all felt so right and I thought to myself, 'What the heck. I'll go for it." "Well, sure. We just have to take things really slow." I said so and he leaned in and kissed me.

So because we were keeping things low, I left him at the court and rushed for my locker because dad was on his way and I wasn't in the mood for sports. I really wanted to tell Tyler about Seth and I but I couldn't find him anywhere in school, so I decided to tell him about it the following day.

When I arrived home, I threw my bag on the floor and slept on the couch. Fatigue had got me hard. Just as I was about to fall asleep, my phone rang, and it was Seth.

"Hiya!" I greeted first.

"Hey babe. How was your day?" Damn he moves quick!

I let out a childish giggle "It was good. How was yours?"

"Really good! You won't believe how happy I am." I personally thought he was being cheesy but it was cute anyway. I just didn't want to fall so hard for him. He was bound to break my heart.

The next day at school, Seth asked to talk to me in private. I agreed and followed him walk towards the football field.

"Are you a virgin?" He asked. Without wasting any time, that's all he had to ask?

I panicked "Y-yes I am. Are you?" I began to fear his answer and wished I hadn't asked him.

"No, I'm not. You look beautiful by the way. Purple is your color." He added.

"Gee! Thank you Seth. I wouldn't mind losing it to you though. And blue is your color."

We both looked surprised but we both managed to laugh and have a playful moment about it

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