Meeting The Shield

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I gathered all the confidence I had as I stood outside The Shield's locker room. I was thinking so many things as i stood there. Will they like me? I hope they're nice, what if they don't like me? what if they didn't want a fourth member?. In a few hours time i was making my Monday Night Raw debut as a valet, alongside The Shield and it was terrified. I finally knocked and Roman appeared in front of me. I nervously tugged at the bottom of my green crop top as he stepped aside without saying a word. I made my way inside the room and saw Dean sitting on one of the benches, taping up his wrists and Seth on his phone. They both took a second to look at me before carrying on with what they were doing. I was unsure what to do with myself. I felt so out of place and i just wanted to turn around and walk back out again. However there was something about Dean's expression that changed my mind. He was smiling ever so slightly at me and it was enough to relax me.

* * *

Clara wasn't a stranger to me, far from it. She had been with WWE for a few years and she had interviewed me several times backstage. I thought she was pretty when I first saw her but we had never hung out together properly. When i learnt that she was going to be joining The Shield as our valet intended to get to know her better.

''How are you darling. It's Clara right?'' I said, cutting through the tension in the room

''I'm ok thanks and yes'' she replied

''I think you've interviewed me before but it's nice to officially meet you'' I said as she smiled at me

* * *

Seth finished up with his phone call and it seemed as though Dean's introduction had cut through the tension in the room

''So tonight's the night sweetheart! how are you feeling?'' Seth asked

''I can't lie, I'm freaking out'' I admitted

''Don't be nervous. We don't bite'' Seth commented ''Well i don't. I can't say the same for Deano over there''

I laughed. Roman was yet to say anything and I didn't want to push the matter, choosing to wait for him to talk first. He was pacing the length of the room, wetting his long hair every few minutes with a water bottle.

''Sit down darling. Make yourself comfortable'' Dean said, patting the empty space beside him

I accepted his offer, watching with interest as he taped his wrists with binding tape. I had always been fascinated by the way wrestlers did that. They seemed to weave the tape so effortlessly in between their fingers without giving it much thought.

''I like the outfit!'' Seth said as he walked past me, placing a vest over his head

''Oh. Thank you'' I replied

My outfit wasn't as good as there's but I'd made an effort and I was glad that Seth had noticed. My eyes kept creeping over to where Roman was, i hoped he wasn't upset by me being there.

* * *

I noticed Clara kept looking at Roman and I felt bad for her. Roman had completely ignored her since she came into the room and I attempted catch his attention, clearing my throat and motioning towards Clara with my eyes once he finally looked my way. After a while he seemed to get the message.

''I'm sorry baby girl I didn't mean to ignore you'' Roman said as he stopped what he was doing ''I get a little lost in my own world before a match''

''That's ok'' Clara replied sweetly "I understand"

* * *

That was how I first met The Shield and it seems weird now to think that I was so nervous to meet them. They are all such sweet guys and are like brothers to me now. Seth teases me, and we get on each others nerves sometimes but deep down we think the world of one another. Roman is the father figure of the group. He's very protective and the one I always go to when I need help or advice about something. Dean has to be the one that I've grown the closest too. He's a very bad influence and get's me into a lot of trouble but he also always manages to make me laugh and cheer me up whenever I'm sad. We have developed a very close relationship and Seth and Roman tease us all the time about it. They keep telling us that we should get together and i could see why they said that. Sometimes we'd kiss when we were drunk or cuddle up together on the coach like a couple would, but we never stepped over the line from friendship to lovers, neither one of us would make the first move.

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