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What was wrong with me. Why was I having these conflicting thoughts all of a sudden. Why was doubt suddenly creeping in about who I was?

"Clara are you okay? You've been in here a while?" Dean's voice shook me from my thoughts and I quickly turned off the shower to get out

I wrapped a towel around me and made my way back over to my bed, noticing that the suitcase had been picked up. I started to look through it again, hoping to recognize something.

"Is everything alright?" Dean asked. I ignored him. I still didn't trust him "Clara?"

I found a baby pink pajama set and took it out of the suitcase, taking it into the bathroom to change into. Would i wear something like this? I wasn't sure

"CLARA!!" Dean was shouting now as he knocked on the door

"What do you want?" I asked as i opened the door

"Nothing. I'm just worried about you that's all" he replied as he stood in front of me

I stared at the floor, for some reason, deep down i felt a little sorry for him which was strange. Why would i feel sorry for someone who couldn't be trusted?.

He lifted my face up with his finger "Look at me darling" I finally met his eyes. Please believe me when i tell you that you're safe. I would never hurt you'' Dean said as he lightly stroked my cheek ''Seth, Roman and I are not the bad guys. You don't have to be scared of us''

''I'm not scared'' I replied ''I'm just confused'' I started to cry, i couldn't help it

He let out a sigh and pulled me towards him, his warm embrace making me feel strangely safe. After a while I pulled back from him and made my way back to my bed, climbing onto it and leaning up against the headboard.

"Can I sit with you?" Dean asked

I nodded my head. The more time i spent with Dean, the more I was drawn to him somehow, more so than I was to Roman and Seth.

"Tell me what you're thinking" Dean said

"I'm thinking that I've gone mad'' I admitted ''Everything is so muddled. My memories are so sketchy and I just feel so lost and it scares me"

"You're going to get through this'' Dean said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder ''You're not alone, We'll get through this together, the four of us''

''Why?" I asked confused

''Why what?''

I didn't understand why they'd want to help me, if they were just using me, why did they care so much?

''Why do you all want to help me so much?'' I asked "What do you guys get out of it?"'

"You had been begging me to train you, well you had been begging all of us too, but none of us would do it because we didn't want you to get hurt'' Dean explained ''If we had then maybe none of this would have happened"

I turned my head around to look at him "So you feel guilty?"

"I guess" Dean replied

Again that made no sense. Why would these three men, who were just using me feel guilty about my disappearance?

''I trust you Dean" I admitted ''I don't know why but i feel strangely safe around you''

"Really?" he asked hopefully ''That's good. That's really good, maybe you're starting to remember?'' He jumped of the bed and picked up the room service menu

Before i could answer Roman and Seth came through the door

"Everything alright?" Roman asked as he walked over to Dean

Seth made his way over to me "Clara can I ask you something?" I nodded my head and he sat down on the edge of the bed "Did Bray um. When you were with Bray. Did he give you pills?"

I looked down at my arm and rubbed my finger over the puncture marks on my skin, as the memory of being injected with something suddenly came back to me. I had been drugged; not only once but several times and I had been forced to swallow pills too.

"Clara?" Seth said, his eyes full of concern as he looked at me

"Yes" I confirmed

"He did!!?"

"I was injected with something and was forced to swallow pills" All three men were staring at me and i was in a daze, half in the room and half in my mind "but he did it to help me"

"What?" Dean asked

"He laced my food as well but he did it all in order to help me" I said

"Sure he did" Dean huffed

"Yea cos' causing you to lose your memory is really helpful" Seth said sarcastically

I didn't reply, i was subconsciously rubbing the puncher marks on my arm.

"The sick bastard has actually convinced her he was helping" Seth said in disbelief

"Well that would explain the memory loss" Roman said

I was slowly snapping out of my stupor and the way they were talking about me like i wasn't there was really starting to annoy me.

"So what should we do now?" Seth asked

"I don't know. Maybe we should get her looked at by a doctor or something?" Roman suggested

"I CAN HEAR YOU!!'' I yelled ''YOU DON'T HAVE TO TALK ABOUT ME LIKE I'M NOT EVEN HERE" They both opened their mouth to reply but i cut them off "Do you think I like feeling like this? Do you think I'm enjoying not having any memories? I feel so fucking lost and the three of you are just making everything worse!!"

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