It's all coming back now

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Dean had not left Clara's side since we got her back and he had made sure that security was with her when we were wrestling. The Wyatt's had been m.i.a since we took her back but we were are all still on our guard. We couldn't let them get to her again.

''Are you alright. Did anyone hurt you?'' Dean asked as soon as we made our way back through the door of our locker room.

''I'm fine'' she replied as he rushed to her side

''You sure?'' I asked as I noticed her troubled expression

''I hate having to be watched like some helpless child'' she complained

''Bab-Clara we're only doing this to protect you'' Dean assured

* * *

Seth and Roman left the room and I looked at Dean. He seemed to be genuinely concerned about my safety.

''What's this?'' Dean asked as he noticed the necklace atound my neck

''It's a lantern charm necklace. Bray gave it to me'' I replied brightly

I had took it off when i was taken from the farmhouse because i didn't want to lose it. Today was the first day i'd wore it again

''SA?'' Dean questioned as he rolled it around in his hand

''Yeah. Sister Abigail''

''Right'' Dean said, his expression turning somber as he walked over to his locker and took his bag out of it.

The change in his mood was obvious and it shouldn't have bothered as much as it did


''Bray hasn't just took your memories Clara, he's also took something away from Roman, Seth and I too'' Dean said as he walked back over to me

* * *

She looked confused ''I would like to show you something. If you think that you can handle it that is'' I said as I suddenly had an idea

''Why wouldn't I be able to handle it?'' she asked worried

''I want to show you the footage of the night that you were taken. It might help you remember but if you don't think that you can watch it then I understand'' I explained

''No. I want to see it'' She eventually replied ''I think that I'm starting to understand what the truth is but I want to be sure''

''Ok let's go then'' I smiled as I led her out of the room, towards the sound room

She sat in silence as she watched the footage back and I wasn't sure what she was thinking, her expression was blank.

* * *

I frowned as, who i assumed was a sound-man greeted me like he knew me. He called me Clara too not Abigail. As the footage began to play i couldn't connect with my own imagine, i knew it was me but because i couldn't remember it, so it was like watching another person. There i was, right in front of my own eyes but for some reason it just didn't seem like i was watching myself. I watched as The Shield (including me) made there entrance and awaited the arrival of The Wyatt Family, I watched as the lights went out, coming back on minutes later. I watched as Dean looked around the ring, clearly panicking as he looked over at Roman and Seth.

''Are you alright to see some more?'' Dean asked as he looked at me with concern

I nodded my head and continued to watch the screen as the events of the past few months played out in front of me. I saw myself led in Bray's lap while he rocked back and forth on a rocking chair.

''She has returned to us now. She has come home. And this is where she will stay''

Brays words sent a shiver up my spine as I suddenly remembered Luke setting up a camera, a pill being forced down my throat. The more i watched the more i remembered. None of the memories were pleasant however.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

* * *

''What happened to you today?'' Roman asked ''Seth and I got back to the locker room and you and Clara were gone''

''I took Clara to the sound room'' I explained ''I showed her the footage from the last few months"

''How did that go?'' Seth asked

''I'm not sure. She hasn't really said much about it'' I replied

''Well do you think it helped at all, you know with her memory?'' Seth asked

''I hope so'' I said as I looked at her

A few hours later Clara seemed to settle. Finally finding some sleep after trying for several hours. After a while though she started to shout out in her sleep.


Her hands were shoving away at an invisible figure. She was sweating and I wanted to help her but i didn't know what to do

''Do you think we should wake her?'' I asked as I looked over to Roman and Seth

''I don't know. It might do her good to just get it out of her system'' Roman replied

''I know but she looks distressed'' I argued

* * *

'You're right about one thing...this is a prison but it's not my no my sweet's yours

'I'm already in your head, I've done more damage than you will ever know. Admit don't know what to believe do you? I'm slowly re-writing your future. If you co-operate with us then i will let you keep some of your memories but if you don't then-'

You don't know what to think or even what day it is do you? I'm slowly erasing you're past and replacing it with whatever I want, I'm slowly killing you from the inside. If you co-operate with us then I will let you keep some of your memories...but If you don't then''

I sat up in my bed, my eyes shooting open

''Clara?'' Dean stood up from the couch and made his way over to me, closely followed by Roman and Seth

''I'm so sorry'' I said ''I thought...they said"

''Shhh it's ok'' Dean replied as he wrapped his arms around me

''Bray he....I believed him, I thought i"

''It's alright baby girl you're safe now'' Roman said as he rubbed my back

"What if they come for me?"

''We won't let him hurt you again'' Seth promised

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