Clara who?

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* * *Clara

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I was woken up from my sleep by Bray, who gently took hold of my hand and lead me into a medium sized room. There was a a two-seater dark brown couch and a few chairs. Luke was sitting on one of them while Braun was sat on the other. Bray let go of my hand and pointed to the couch, urging me to sit down as he followed and sat down beside me. It was cold in there and I began to shiver.

''Relax Clara we just want to talk to you'' Bray said as he wrapped a blanket around me

''O-okay'' I answered as I looked at all three men nervously

''Now what I'm about to tell you is not going to be easy for you to hear....but all I ask of you is to listen and think carefully about what it is I've said'' Bray stated ''You don't have to believe me and I doubt you will...but please just trust me when I say that it's the truth'' I nodded "Many years ago my brothers and I found you in the fields near our farm house. It was summertime and we found you passed out, dehydrated from the mid day sun. We took you in, we nursed you back to health. You stayed with us for a while and we became close but one day Erick turned his back on us and he threatened to report us to the authorities. He claimed that what we had done for you was against the law and he threatened to ruin us and our career's. One night he left and Luke and I had to make a hard decision. We decided to erase your memories of ever meeting us and we took you into the nearest town to somewhere where we knew you could make your own way home. Erick never did tell anyone about you and when you arrived in WWE and saw me again, you didn't know who I was. It hurt me, i can't lie. We're not bad people despite what others say. Abigail was the name of my Mother. You remind me off her so much and you have the same kind heart that she once had''

Bray started to day dream as i tried to process what he had just told me

''When Erick left we discovered Braun'' Luke added, taking over from where Bray left off ''He was a worker in the farm land next to ours and we knew as soon as we set eyes on him; just from his height and strength, that he would be the perfect person to help us fight all the evil that was surrounding you within WWE''

''You see even though we let you go, we still wanted to protect you'' Bray continued ''The Shield were infecting your head. We heard how they had been portraying us and we had to stop them. They just used you to help them win matches, they were never your friends, they never cared about you like we did; like we still do.'' Bray placed his hand on top of mine ''We couldn't stand by and watch them poison your mind any longer. So we took you back. Now you know everything and It's your choice weather or not you believe us or carry on believing The Shield's version of events but whatever you decide; we will continue to protect you, weather that be by your side or from a distance'' Bray stood up and held his hand out to me. ''Now come my sweet child. It's time to eat'' I thought for a moment before taking his hand

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I spent the rest of the night alone in my room, thinking about what Bray and Luke had told me. I didn't know why but for some reason I believed them. I suddenly felt at ease with my surroundings, almost like i belonged here. I realized now that Bray was only drugging me because he was trying to help me to remember what i had forgotten. I felt so stupid for not realizing it earlier. How could I have not seen what was right in front of me this whole time? The Wyatts. They were never my enemy, they were my savior's, my family and I owed it to them to remain by their side now. Bray was right. I was finally home.

 I was finally home

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