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There was something about Bray Wyatt that really creeped me out. I mean the whole Wyatt family were pretty creepy in there own right but there was just something about Bray that didn't sit right with me. The Shield had been feuding with them for several months and he always managed to unnerve me whenever he was close by. He would stare at with this unreadable expression that just put me on edge. I had spoke to the guys about it and they had all told me to ignore him, telling me that he always looked like that. I tried to take their advice but I just couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right.

[One week later Monday Night Raw]

Roman, Dean, Seth and I were all waiting backstage to make our entrance. The guys were in a match against The Wyatt Family and I was dreading having to be near Bray again. He made my skin crawl.

''Are you alright?'' Dean asked

''No i'm not. Bray scares me'' I replied

''Everything will be fine'' Roman assured ''We won't let him hurt you"

''I'm probably just imagining it'' I added ''Just concentrate on the match, i'll be fine''

''Oh yeah i forgot that you can defend yourself'' Seth teased

''Oh shut up Rollins'' I argued ''If you had helped me when I asked you too then I would be able to defend myself!''

I was never interested in becoming a in-ring competitor, I was quite content with just being a backstage interviewer. However since i became a valet I had realized just how much I could get hurt if I wasn't careful. Being at ringside made me feel like i should at least learn how to defend myself, just incase anything happened. I had asked them all individually to teach me some self defense but they had all refused.

Sierra, Hotel , India , Echo , Lima, Delta, The Shield..

The entrance music blared through the arena and the crowd went wild as the four of us made our way through the crowd towards the ring. Seth leading the way, Dean close behind him, Roman following the two of them and me shadowing Roman. I had never managed to master the barricade quite as well as Seth and Dean did and just like Roman, I had opted for using a chair to climb over it instead. The lights went out in the arena and a shiver washed over me as the entrance music of The Wyatt family began to play. I froze, terrified as they were nowhere to be seen. I felt a strong pair of arms wrap around my waist and i smiled, relaxing slightly as i assumed it was Dean trying to comfort me. I could smell something strange but before i could work out what it was a piece of material was placed over my mouth and my eyes rolled into the back of my head.

* * *

It had been over five minutes and The Wyatt's still hadn't appeared on the entrance ramp. I was starting to get suspicious that something was going on so i made my way over to where i knew Clara was stood, only to find that she was gone. The lights came back on in the arena and I looked around for her

"Where's Clara!?'' I shouted, looking at Roman and Seth who seemed just as confused as I was

I began to panic, my eyes darting around trying to find her

"He's took her! He's fucking took her!!'' I yelled as Roman and Seth made their way over to me

The three of us left the ring and ran backstage.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

* * *

I opened my eyes and found myself in a dark room. The walls were all black and I was tied to a chair. My whole body ached and thick ropes were binding my legs and arms together. It was so cold in the room that i could see my breath appear in front of me as i breathed. I was just about to scream out for help when i heard a heavy door open and close.

The room was suddenly illuminated by a lantern and two familiar men came in and stand in front of me"Hello little one'' A voice whispered from behind me

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The room was suddenly illuminated by a lantern and two familiar men came in and stand in front of me

"Hello little one'' A voice whispered from behind me

I immediately recognized the voice. Bray Wyatt reached out for the lantern as his warm clammy hand began to stroke the top of my head. I attempted to pull away from him but every movement just caused my confines to tighten.

''Where am I?'' I asked

''You're home. Where you belong'' Bray replied

''W-what do you want from me?'' I feared his answer but if I knew then at least I could prepare myself

''Oh sister Abigail, I knew that you would one day come back to us. That your touch would one day return to save the world''

Bray was crazy after all. Why else would he call me that "I'm not your sis-''

Before I could finish my sentence his hand connected with my face and my cheek heated up as he slapped me across the face

"You must fight Abigail. You must fight her. I know you're in there somewhere and you must come back to us. You must help us like you did before, you have given us so many gifts and I must thank you for them''

''Please....i don't know what you want from me'' I begged

He placed the lantern in my face and smiled at me ''Shhh now. Rest your spirit''

I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my arm and looked down to see something being injected into me

"What are you doing?'' I questioned

''You have to fight her Abigail, you can't let her win'' Bray answered as he walked away, the door slamming loudly behind him

My eyes were growing heavy and i suddenly felt lightheaded. felt dizzy. A few seconds later i passed out

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