Back to normal?

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* * *

I was awoken from my sleep by Clara thrashing around beside me.

''Clara'' I whispered, taking hold of her hand to try and wake her up


I took hold of her and held her close to me, trying my best to comfort her as i and rocked her in my arms. I hummed into her hair as she slowly began to settle back down again

''It's alright, you're safe'' I whispered

* * *

Dean's embrace seemed to cut through the visions and i opened my eyes, looking up at him

''You alright?''

As I looked at him I felt a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach. It wasn't an unpleasant feeling, it was a nice one...i recognized it as affection

''Seth told me that we used to be close'' I said ''He said that we were so close that he and Roman would tease us all the time about getting together''

''We were'' Dean confirmed

''Well ever since I came here, for some reason I've felt closer to you. I didn't know why at first but now it makes sense'' I said ''Were we. Were we ever more than friends?''

I wasn't sure why I asked him that question but for some reason I wanted to believe that we had shared something special.

"No. We've kissed a few times while drunk but we've never officially crossed the line from friendship to relationship'' Dean explained

"How come?" I asked

''I'm not sure'' He seemed resistant to say anything else ''I've always wanted us to be more than just friends. I fell in love with you and i was going to tell you but you got taken and then you lost your memory....''

"And everything turned to shit" I finished. He laughed and i laughed along with him "I'm not sure what Bray gave me but everything's coming back to me slowly"

"That's good" Dean answered

I wasn't sure why i leant forward and kissed him but it felt like the easiest and most natural thing in the world to do. It wasn't long before he started kissing me back i felt weightless. I wanted to carry on but I was struggling to stay awake

''Clara?'' Dean noticed i had stopped kissing him back

"I'm sorry" I apologised "I'm just tired"

"Sleep. We can talk again in the morning"

* * *

I slept on and off until Clara started to stir beside me, she was mumbling something in her sleep but she didn't look in distress, she looked happy and as she turned over she opened her eyes, looking at me

"Hey" I said as she smiled at me

"Everything came flooding back to me" Clara said "As I slept, it was like a sideshow of memories"

I was so happy that I leant forward and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around me and we led there kissing for several minutes

''How could i have been so stupid" Clara said once we pulled awsy from each other "No wonder Bray looked so shocked when i told him i believed him!''

* * *

Dean looked at me with a confused expression and i got out of bed, rushing into Roman and Seth's room, turning on the light

"What the hell!?'' Roman complained as he squinted at the bright light

''I remember Roman!! I remember everything'' I announced proudly

''Turn that damn light out'' Seth moaned as he pulled the sheets over his head


''Wait you do. She does?'' Roman asked, looking at Dean as he got out of bed and joined me

Dean nodded in confirmation and Roman got out of bed. He held his arms out towards me and lifted me up, spinning me around as i laughed

''That's great and everything but it's 2am!!'' Seth complained

''Ooops sorry Seth'' I giggled, walking over to him

I ruffled his hair and he threw one of his pillows at me

''Come on darling'' Dean laughed as he held his hand out to me ''Let them sleep''

I took his hand and we got back in bed, leaving Seth and Roman in peace

* * *

I mumbled to myself as I tried to get back to sleep. I could hear Roman laughing and i glared at him, even though he couldn't see me

''Quit laughing. It's not funny'' I moaned

''Oh man. Your face'' Roman replied

''It's not funny'' I protested, causing him to laugh even louder

''Oh come on man. You missed her really'' Roman replied

It was true I had missed her even though she drove me crazy sometimes.

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