Time is on our side

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If they hurt her
We will hurt them back
Twice as much and twice as hard
They can't hide forever
And when we find them
They will wish they had never been born

* * *

We managed to track down Erick Rowan last night and let's just say...it wasn't his night.


I couldn't get Clara off my mind as we made our way to our hotel. Hearing her voice again after so long had made me even more desperate to find her. I still felt so guilty, I had promised to look after her and the guilt got worse with every day.

''Hey bro'' Seth said, tapping my chest with his hand ''Isn't that Rowan sitting over there?'' I turned my head to where Seth was looking and my fist immediately clenched as i lunged towards him

''Not yet'' Roman said, holding me back ''Not in public...you guys go to our room and I'll bring him up with me''

Seth had to physically drag me to our room and I started to pace as soon as I stepped inside

''You really care about her don't you?'' Seth's observation caught me off guard

''I fucking love her Seth. And when we get her back I plan to tell her''

Roman came through the door before Seth could reply. He shoved Erick onto the floor and I started kicking him before he could get to his feet, targeting his ribs as i took out all my anger on him. I found it satisfying to hear his cries of pain. Once blood started to pour from his mouth, Roman stepped in and pulled me off him.

''Where's Bray's hide out?'' Roman asked as he grabbed hold of Rowan's beard

''Fuck you'' Erick replied, spitting blood into Roman's face

Roman backed up from him and wiped his face with the back of his hand ''Wrong answer''

Erick managed to get to his feet and Roman speared him. Erick's head collided with the wall and he sunk to his knees, blood dripping from his mouth onto the beige hotel room carpet

''I'll ask you again" Roman said, kneeling down to his level "Where is Bray's hideout''

''And why would I help you?'' Erick asked

Roman laughed as Seth and I slowly walked towards him, cornering him ''Because you have no other choice'' I replied with a smirk

''You're never find him and even if you do it will already be too late'' Erick replied

Roman and Seth both looked at me and backed up as I continued my assault. My fists doing all the work for me this time as they slammed into his face repeatedly, his groans of pain encouraged me to do even more damage until i was once again pulled off him by Roman.

''Where..Is..Bray's..Hideout'' Roman asked through his teeth

Our assault on Erick lasted a few more hours and we eventually managed to get an answer out of him. He gave us the location of an abandoned farm house in the middle of a woods and we made sure to silence him so that he wouldn't warm Bray of our arrival.

[Monday Night Raw]

We were planning to go to the farm house location after Raw but we had a match to win first. We all just wanted to get this match over with as quick as possible so that we could get to Wyatt's hide out. Before the match could start however, Bray's voice echoed through the arena and we all turned around to see him appear on the titantron once again.

''Sister Abigail has returned to us. She is standing by our side again and together we will heal the world'' Bray said as the screen faded and a black and white video began to play.

 She is standing by our side again and together we will heal the world'' Bray said as the screen faded and a black and white video began to play

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It was a video of Bray walking by a lake and Clara was walking beside him, her back was turned to the camera as her right hand rested on his shoulder

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It was a video of Bray walking by a lake and Clara was walking beside him, her back was turned to the camera as her right hand rested on his shoulder. She was staggering and it was clear that she was either drunk or had been drugged as her and Bray walked towards Luke, Clara's hand reaching out to him seconds before the screen went black.

''Tiiiiiimmmmmeee is on my side'' Bray said in a sing song voice as the titantron went black

It took all the strength I had in me to not leave the ring there and then and Roman and Seth took care of most of the match as I stood on the ring apron in a daze. I knew what Bray was capable of and I also knew that Clara wouldn't just give into him unless she had no other option. I just hoped that when we got there we weren't already too late.

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