Musings of a madman

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I sat down on a bench in my locker room, my elbows resting on my legs as I mumbled to myself. Why didn't i notice that Clara dissappeared. I didn't even hear anyone get into the ring. How could I have just let that happen to her? She told us that she was worried about Bray and we had all promised that we would keep her safe. We failed her and now she was gone. I stayed behind while Roman and Seth searched the whole backstage area for her. I was a mess and I couldn't think straight so it was probably best that I didn't go with them. I would kick every door down in the damn building if I had to in order to find her.

''We've looked everywhere'' Seth announced as he and Roman rushed back into the room "There's no sign of her"

''How did i not know something was wrong?'' I said "She was stood right next to me!"

''This is not your fault Dean'' Seth said as he walked over to me ''We were all out there and none of us noticed anything''

* * *

By the time I woke up the room was light and I assumed it was now morning. My body still ached and my stomach hurt. It seemed like days since I last ate and I couldn't remember when I last drank anything. I started to convince myself that I was going to die in here, wherever here was. I was going to die at the hands of three psychopaths known as The Wyatt Family. I felt like crying but i was too exhausted too, my whole body felt like it was made of led. The door to what i assumed was my prison was suddenly unlocked and i looked up to see Luke Harper holding a plate of what looked like food in his hands.

''You must eat sister, you'll need all your strength to fight her''

The voice of Bray came from nowhere as the plate was placed on my lap. He untied my hands as Luke left the room. I looked down at the plate to see a single crusty bread roll which had been buttered. A thick slice of cheese was placed beside it and I immediately started eating it, not certain of when my next meal would be.

''That's right place it just there'' Bray said as Luke came back into the room carrying Bray's rocking chair. He placed it down on the floor and Bray sat down on it. He began rocking back and forth, singing something under his breath that i couldn't quite make out.

''What's going on?'' I asked as Luke set up what looked like a video camera in front of me

''People are looking for you Abigail'' Bray replied ''They want to take you away from us but we're not going to let that happen''

He stood up and made his way towards me taking the now empty plate from me. A glass of water appeared in front of me and he was passed something that i couldn't quiet see. ''You'll be with us soon enough'' Bray stated as i drank down the water, relieved as it soothed my dry throat ''Swallow''

Bray shoved a pill into my mouth and i nearly chocked as it hit the back of my throat ''What is it?'' I coughed

Bray waved his hand, signaling for one of his teammates to come over and Braun made his way out of the shadows, appearing in front of me within seconds

"You can either take it by yourself or Braun and I can force it down your throat'' Bray warned

I decided to take it by myself, swallowing the bitter pill dry

''That will help you remember'' Bray stated from a distance as Luke tied my hands back behind my back, fastening them to the chair. My head dropped down as the effects of the mystery pill started to take hold of my body. The last thing I heard was Bray yelling for someone to turn on the camera.

* * *

It had been a week since Clara was taken and we still had no idea where she was or if she was okay. We knew that Bray Wyatt and his two teammates were behind it and that they were keeping her somewhere but that was all we knew. We had searched for her every night since she disappeared, but we were slowly giving up hope of ever finding her.


Working show's just didn't feel the same since Clara's hadn't been with us. She would look after us, make sure that we took time to eat and got plenty of exercise before a big match. She was the best thing to ever happen to us and I missed her more and more with each day that passed. I never realized just how much I really cared for her until she was gone and I knew that I would stop at nothing to get her back again.

Sierra, Hotel , India , Echo , Lima, Delta, The Shield....

Our entrance music hit and Roman, Seth and I made our way to the ring. The Wyatt's had been missing since the incident with Clara and I couldn't wait to get my hand's on them; especially Bray. He was going to pay for what he'd done, they all were. Before our match could start Bray's face appeared on the titantron. Luke and Braun were standing either side of him and Clara was laying in Brays arms, her head was slumped forward and she looked unconscious.  

''He's got the whole world in his hands he's got the whole wild world in his hands

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''He's got the whole world in his hands he's got the whole wild world in his hands. He's got the whole wild world in his hands he's got the whole world in his hands''

Bray sang eerily

''He's got the little bitty baby in his hands he's got the little bitty baby in his hands. He's got the little bitty baby in his hands he's got the whole world in his hands''

''Cut the crap Bray. I swear to god if you hurt her I will kill you'' I snapped, cutting him off

Bray's sinister laugh echoed through the arena ''She lead us to love but she taught us that the fires.....well they were our friends too''

He began rocking back and forth on his chair

''Her touch can save the world but her kiss burns it to the ground. She has returned to us now. She has come home....and this is where she will stay''

He began to stroke Clara's hair, laughing to himself as the screen went black

''Son of a bitch'' I yelled as I threw the microphone to the floor and left the ring. Roman and Seth followed close behind me as they attempted to calm me down.

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