The damage is already done

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"Morning my sweet child'' Bray's distinctive voice brought me out of my slumber and I sat up to look at him as Luke and Braun came into view

''Morning'' I replied with a smile ''I've thought a lot about what you said last night and I believe you''

Bray looked both shocked and happy as he reached for my hand "I'm so glad Abigail'' he said as he brought my hand up to his mouth and kissed it

''From now on i'll stand by your side'' I declared "This is where I belong"

''You have giving us so many gifts. You have given us so many allies and now you have given us the greatest gift of all by coming back to us'' Bray said, positively elated. Braun and Luke nodded in agreement ''I want to give you something'' Bray added as he gestured for Braun to come closer, holding his arm out for him as Braun dropped something into his hand ''We always hoped that you would come back one day. I've been keeping this safe until that day came"

A brass lantern charm was placed into my palm and I turned it over on my hand

A brass lantern charm was placed into my palm and I turned it over on my hand

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''Look at the inscription on the bottom'' Bray urged

I flipped it over and on the bottom in tiny letters were the initials SA.

''Do you like it?'' Bray asked as he took the necklace around my neck

''I love it thank you'' I replied

''Good... now come and eat. We've got a busy day ahead of us'' Bray explained as he made his way towards the door ''People are looking for you, we must leave and get you somewhere safe''

 We've got a busy day ahead of us'' Bray explained as he made his way towards the door ''People are looking for you, we must leave and get you somewhere safe''

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After breakfast I helped them pack and carry bags to the truck that was parked outside. I threw the bags into the trunk and took a few moments to take in my surroundings. It was really quiet charming when you looked at it, so peaceful. I almost didn't want to leave. As i turned around to make my way back inside i felt a hand cover my mouth and i was lifted off my feet. I instantly began to struggle, kicking and screaming with everything i had.

''Relax. It's just us''

I was carried over to a car before being placed on my feet. Roman, Seth and Dean were all staring at me

''Stay the hell away from me" I warned "Leave me alone!!"

''Clara it's just us. We're your friends'' Roman said

I shook my head shouting as loud as i could as i started running, desperately hoping that either Bray, Braun or Luke might hear me ''HELP! SOMEONE HELP ME!!''

Before i knew it i was being lifted up again, as Roman tossed me over his shoulder and carried me to the back of their car. He opened the door and placed me into the backseat. Dean, who was already in the car quickly strapped me in and i fought against him, slamming my fists against his hands. Seth for into the seat to my left and Roman got into the drivers seat. starting the car as i continued to shout .

''Clara please stop screaming'' Dean pleaded ''You're safe now

He attempted to touch me and I pulled away from him ''Don't touch me''

''Clara. Please-''


''I knew this would happen'' Dean said as he addressed Seth and Roman ''I fucking knew he would try some shit like this''

''Did Bray give you something?'' Roman asked, his eyes briefly settling on me through rear view mirror

''Why would he do that?'' I asked ''Unlike you he actually cares about me and I finally know the truth now''

''Jesus. It's even worse that we thought'' Seth mumbled

Before I could respond my phone started ringing and I reached into my pocket to retrieve it. However before I could answer it Dean took it from me and threw it out of the window, parts of it flying up into the air as it smashed into little pieces

''YOU ASSHOLE!'' I screamed, hitting Dean with all the force i could muster

''STOP IT. FUCK'' he replied as he took hold of my wrists ''I'll buy you a new one. A better one''

''I don't want a new one'' I replied ''I don't want anything from you; any of you'' I pulled my hands away from him and stared out the window

Just over an hour later Roman pulled into what looked like a hotel parking lot

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