Forgotten memories

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"What the hell are we doing here?'' I asked as Roman got out of the car and opened the back door

''We are staying here for a couple of days'' Seth said as he got out of the car and grabbed a couple of suitcases from the trunk

''Come on darling'' Dean said as he got out of the car and extended his hand out to me

''It's Abigail to you'' I said as I slapped his hand away from me and got out of the car. I looked at Seth with confusion as he placed a dark pink suitcase down in front of me "What's this?''

''It's your suitcase. We have kept it with us ever since you were taken'' Seth replied

''Of course you have'' I said as I took hold of the handle, deciding not to argue with them until I got to see what was inside. If it really was my suitcase then I'd know once i saw whay supposedly belonged to me

We made our way into the lobby and Roman checked us all in while Seth and Dean led me to the elevator, pressing the button for the 5th floor. It wasn't going unnoticed by me that Dean's eyes were on me the whole time and I was starting to get annoyed by his constant staring.

''What?'' I asked as I turned around and looked at him ''What is your problem?''

He sighed "Nothing''

''Well stop staring at me then!!'' I replied

Seth made his way over to Dean and placed one of his hands on his shoulder. Dean seemed upset about something but at that very moment I couldn't care less. I just wanted to go back to the farmhouse, i was happy there. I didn't feel safe with these men. I had a plan though, i'd wait for them to fall asleep and then i'd escape. By morning i'd already be long gone.

''Here we are'' Seth said as he swiped the room key and opened the door ''We've stayed here before, remember?'' Seth looked at me expectantly as he picked up my suitcase, placing it down on one of the beds

''I've never stayed here, what are you talking about?'' I replied as i sat beside 'my' suitcase unzipping it.This was definitely not my suitcase. I didn't recognize a single item of clothing. I shoved the case onto the floor, disgusted

''Clara?'' Seth questioned

''That is not my suitcase and those are not my clothes'' i said

''Are you sure you weren't given anything?'' Dean asked

''I SAID NO DIDN'T I?" I yelled "why do you keep asking me?" I couldn't wait to get out of here

* * *

I knew this would happen. I knew that by the time we found her it would already be too late. She was completely brainwashed, she wasn't even the same person anymore. She hated me, she hated all of us. I loved this woman and she couldn't even bare to look at me.

''Are you alright?'' Seth asked, sitting next to me on the couch

''We've lost her" I replied as I shook my head in disbelief

''You can't think like that, she's still the same person'' Seth said ''She's just-''

Before Seth could finish Roman walked in ''She'll be alright D, we just need to give it time''

''How?'' I replied ''How is she going to be okay when she can't even recognize friend from foe anymore?''

* * *

I had managed to fall asleep, but I was woken up by raised voices

"Can't you even have the decency to keep your damn voices down?'' I yelled

Selfish bastards. I saw Roman pick up a phone from the table in front of him

''Show her the photos" he said as he handed the phone to Dean "Help her to remember''

With that he and Seth left the room

''Can I show you something?'' Dean asked as he slowly made his way over to me

I didn't want him anywhere near me but at the same time I was curious to see what was on the phone, so I agreed ''If you must''

''We took these before you were. Well before you left'' Dean said as he handed the phone too me

I started to scroll through the photos and I didn't know what to think as I looked at them. Most of the photos were of Dean and I, but a few of them had Seth and Roman in them too. Dean and I looked close. In some of the photos we were goofing around, pulling silly faces but it was like looking at someone else because i couldn't remember posing for any of the photos. I handed him the phone back, confused

''Are you alright?'' Dean asked as he looked at me with concern

''I don't remember posing for them'' I said as I looked at him

''Well'' Dean said as he took the phone from me, holding it up so that I could see it as he scrolled through the photos ''This one was taken right after our first match with you as our valet. It was the first time you had wore your new outfit and you wanted to take a photo to document it'' he explained as I looked at the photo in front of me

I was stood in the middle of Dean and Seth, with Roman stood next to Seth. We all had our arms held out in front of us and our fists were connected. Dean sat with me for another 10 minutes, explaining the photos to me but it didn't do any good, i still didn't remember. I decided to take a shower. I hated feeling like this, so unsure and lost. Before i came here i had everything figured out and now i was confused all over again. I didn't know what to believe anymore.

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