Personal prison

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Luke Harper entered the room and grabbed hold of my wrists, dragging me to my feet. He pulled me behind him as he left the room and led me to what I assumed was the dining area.

The room was as bleak as the others, the paint was peeling off the walls, all the windows were covered in bars, just like the room I woke up in and like the others, this room had the same unpleasant stale smell

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The room was as bleak as the others, the paint was peeling off the walls, all the windows were covered in bars, just like the room I woke up in and like the others, this room had the same unpleasant stale smell. There was a worn brown bench in the corner of the room and it had silver colored tin plates and cups on top of it. Luke shoved me towards Bray. Luke and Braun sat down opposite Bray and Bray pointed to the empty space beside him, motioning for me to sit. I sat down where he pointed and looked at the food in front of me, which I guessed was some kind of meatloaf by the appearance of it. By the way Luke and Braun were looking at me I got the feeling that the food was laced with some type of drug.

''You must be scared Abigail and for that i am sorry'' Bray said ''However you must eat, we are doing all of this to help you''

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. He was actually trying to make it sound like he was doing me a favor somehow by kidnapping me. I wanted to yell at him, tell him and his little friend's exactly what I thought of them but I was also hungry and scared, so i decided to just eat in silence instead.

''You were taken from us a long time ago by the people that you now call friends'' Bray mumbled ''We've been watching you for a while now Clara. We know your strengths and we know your weaknesses. Together we can build it up and then burn it down. In this world we can either obey or suffer and together we can conquer all''

I'd had just about enough of his rambling. Nothing he said made any sense

"Look...i know what you're doing'' My voice echoed off the walls as I spoke and it seemed to jolt Luke and Braun out of there daze ''Every time you inject me with something or make me take a pill, I forget a little bit of my past. You're trying to brainwash me, make me forget all about my life before I came here so that you can make me a new one''

''Smart as well'' Bray stated ''You do surprise me Clara''

Luke and Braun began to laugh

''So now you're calling me Clara? I thought I was Sister Abigail?'' I said sarcastically

At the mention of the name Abigail Bray's eyes grew dark and the laughter seized. Before I knew it i was being pulled up by my hair and shoved up against the wall.

''What is this place anyway? Is this where you live?" I really should have quit while I was ahead but I couldn't seem to stop myself "I mean i can't say i'm surprised. I've always thought that the three of you should be locked up''

''You are right about one thing'' Bray replied ''This is a prison but it's not my no my sweet's yours'' Bray grabbed hold of my face, forcing me to look at him ''I'm already in your head, I've done more damage than you will ever know. Admit don't know what to believe do you?'' he asked ''I'm slowly re-writing your future. If you co-operate with us then i will let you keep some of your memories but if you don't then-''

I started to struggle, trying my best to get out of the strong grip as I kicked and screamed with everything I had in me ''LET GO OF ME YOU FUCKING FREAK!''

''Tie her up and take her back to her room'' Bray ordered

''NO GET OFF ME, LET GO OF ME!!'' Luke and Braun grabbed hold of me as Bray slowly made his way towards the door

''And gag her mouth too'' Bray added

''YOU'RE SICK BRAY!!'' I screamed ''YOU NEED HELP!"

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I woke up to find myself still tied up and gagged, the rope cutting into my skin just like it had done before. I was starting to wonder if I'd ever get out of here. Why hadn't anyone found me yet? Where the hell was I and what did I have to do to get out myself out of this place? My earlier suspicions about my food being laced were confirmed as a familiar fuzzy feeling returned to my head. Tears fell from my eyes in a seemingly endless stream. I couldn't hold them back anymore. I was slowly losing my memory and there was nothing i could do to stop it.

''Sleeping beauty awakes''

Bray appeared in front of me in a matter of seconds and I turned away from him, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry. He sat down beside me, placing on of his hands of my shoulder, which i quickly shrugged off.

''Don't be like that my sweet child'' he said as he took the gag out of my mouth

''I AM NOT YOUR CHILD!!'' I screamed as soon as my mouth was free

''Why are you crying...Abi...Clara?'' Bray asked

''Please stop'' I sobbed ''please stop taking my memories away from me''

''They are not memories that you seek......they are only opinions disguised as memories'' Bray replied

''What are you talking about?'' I asked

''You know it's a shame we had to blemish you'' Bray replied, ignoring my question as he took hold of my wrists. He ran over the marks on my skin with one of his fingers. ''You are such a pretty little thing''

His words made me feel sick to my stomach and i pulled my hands away from him. I tried to stand up only to remember that i was still tied up. Bray was slowly moving closer to me and i winced as his lips pressed up against mine.

''Get off me!'' I complained as i turned my head away from him

Bray reached for my gag with a laugh, placing it back in my mouth ''You can either work with us or against us'' He said ''I'll stop drugging you if you start to do what we tell you to'' Bray stood up and made his way over to the door ''Think about it my child''

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