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* * *Clara

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When I woke up I was in a different room. This room had a window with bars across it and there was a small toilet in the corner. I was no longer tied up and I had been placed on a bed. This room was a lot warmer than the first one i noticed. I looked down at my wrists, rubbing them as I noticed they were red from the rope that had been used to contain me. Stay awake. I ordered myself. Whatever you do don't fall asleep. Every time I fell asleep I seemed to wake up with a little less memory than I had before. I had no idea what day or time it was but judging by how dark it was, I was guessing it was night time. I laid down flat on the bed and stared up at the ceiling. The door suddenly opened and i jumped.

''We will be as one again soon my precious'' Bray said as he made his way into the room

''What the hell are you talking about?'' I asked

He grabbed hold of me and pulled me to my feet. He pulled me close, his mouth pressed up against my ear "Don't you remember? You must try to remember. The color of the snake skins were the same color as the leafs. We understood you and you lead us with love''

He was delusional he had to be, there was no other explanation

''We need your guidance sister you must hurry''

He was convinced that i was this 'Sister Abigail' that he kept talking about. He pulled away from me and i sat back down on shaky legs. As he stared down at me i could have sworn i saw a little bit of sadness in his eyes.

"I will help you come back to us Abigail'' Bray said as he sat down beside me ''I will help you to control her but you must co-operate'' I had no idea what he was suggesting but whatever it was I didn't like the sound of it ''You will join me for supper Sister. That's if you wish to eat''

I nodded my head, deciding that eating was the best idea for the moment. He smiled at me, signaling for someone to come into the room as he left it.

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Bray's message gave me new hope that Clara may be close by somewhere right under our nose; but another full search of the backstage area soon shattered any hope that I had of that being the case. She was still nowhere to be found and I was racking my brain trying to think about where Bray might have taken her. What did he want with her anyway and what would we have to do in order to get her back?. I would do anything he wanted me too. We left the arena and started searching for her, checking any nearby abandoned buildings and derelict sights.

''This is useless!!'' Seth moaned ''How the hell are we suppose to find her if we don't know where to look?''

We were taking it in turns to drive and Seth had just finished his stint, changing places with Roman as he joined me in the back seat.

''I don't know but we can't just give up'' Roman replied

I had hardly said a word since we left the arena and I was just staring out of the window, watching the scenery pass me by, not daring to blink in case I missed something; anything at all that may lead us to her. All I could think about was what she must be going through.

''DEAN!!'' Roman shouted, making me jump

''What?!'' I replied

''I was talking to you''

I just sighed and continued to look out of the window ''We'll find her bro'' Seth said, placing one of his hands on my shoulder

''Yeah and when we do we'll make sure the Wyatt's pay for what they've done. There'll learn the hard way not to mess with our girl'' Roman added

''I wish I had taught her self-defense now" Seth mumbled "She asked me to so many times''

''She asked us all bro. And we all told her no in fear that she would get hurt'' Roman replied

I stopped listening to them after that. My own guilt and regret was too much to bare as I zoned out into my own little world. We were close, I could feel it but we just weren't close enough. She was still out there somewhere, at the complete mercy of three of the most unpredictable and dangerous men I had ever met.

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