One step closer

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''NO FUCKING WAY!!'' I shouted as I scrunched up the piece of paper and threw it at him

''You asked me to stop taking your memories away and I told you that you that to do so you would have to do something for me in return did i not?'' Bray asked as he picked up the piece of paper and grabbed hold of my chin ''Well my sweet child, that time has come'' He placed the piece of paper in my lap with a phone, demanding that i called Dean. I hesitated for a moment before dialing his number. ''Read it word for word and don't try anything''

I just about managed to hold the phone up to my ear as I waited for Dean to answer

''Hello?......Clara is that you?''

His voice made my heart swell and I felt tears start to well up in my eyes. I missed the sound of his voice so much. My eyes read over the words on the piece of paper and I wasn't sure if I could even speak

''Do it'' Luke demanded from where he was standing

''Pl-please do not look for me....i....i am finally home'' I began ''I am....back where I belong now. I-I don't need your help because I am danger''

''Speak to me darlin' tell me where you are"' Dean replied

Dean's words were not making it any easier for me and Bray seemed to be enjoying seeing me suffer as he watched ''I never cared about you.....anyone of you. I-I used you.....j....just like you used me'' I continued as my tears started to fall freely

''We've been looking for you everywhere Clara. Please tell us where you are'' Dean begged

I couldn't say anymore and i let the phone drop from my ear as I started to sob. Bray picked up the phone and started to laugh into it, the sound sent a shiver up my spine

''She's ours now. She was never yours to start with and it was only a matter of time before she came back to us, back to where she belongs''

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''RUN!!'' Bray interrupted before he hung up

I threw the phone towards the nearest wall and it shattered into several pieces just as Roman and Seth came walking through the door. We had fallen into a routine since Clara was taken and as usual they were searching the whole backstage area for her while i stayed behind in the locker room.

''What's going on?'' Seth asked as he looked down qt what remained of my shattered phone

''She called me''

''Who did?'' Roman asked

''Clara she called me. She sounded upset and I tried to speak to her but she just ignored me" I explained "She sounded like she was crying''

''Wait a second, when did this happen?'' Seth asked

''Just now before you both came in. I asked her where she was but she didn't respond to me. She sounded like she was reading something and I couldn't really make out what she was saying but it was something about not coming to look for her''

''What! Why would she say that?'' Seth asked

''She wouldn't. She was probably made to say all those things'' Roman replied

''She sounded so weak, so desperate'' I mumbled as I began to punch the wall. I just needed to let my anger out somehow

''Stop. That's not going to solve anything'' Roman said as he took hold of my arms and held onto them tightly

''What if they've hurt her?. What if they've......what if they've touched her?'' I asked

''You can't think like that Dean. You can't let him get in your head'' Roman replied ''We've got to out smart them, stay one step ahead and catch them off guard''

''And how do we do that exactly?'' Seth questioned

''I was thinking, who's the one person around here who knows more about Bray than anyone else?'' Roman asked, looking between me and Seth for an answer ''Who's the one person here who knows where Bray likes to hang out?'' Seth and I just looked at each other as Roman let out a dissatisfied groan ''Rowan!! It's Erick Rowan, he was a member of the Wyatt family for two years!. He knows how Bray thinks, he knows where he goes when he's in hiding, with his help we can find Clara''

''Some how i don't think Rowan's gonna give out this information what's the plan?'' Seth asked

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Bray motioned for Luke and Braun to leave the room leaving me alone with him

''Do you wanna know a secret?'' Bray asked as he scooted closer to me

I shook my head ''Please just leave me alone''

''Oh don't be like that my sweet child. Everything I am doing is for you'' he said as he grabbed hold of my chin ''The world is a very scary place and the ones that are supposed to protect you are the ones that you should fear the most.....The Shield, the ones you call friends, they are the monsters of this world, not me. But don't worry because time is on my side'' he said as he stroked the side of my face ''Now sleep my precious one'' Bray added as he stood up off the bed and left the room

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