Stay with me

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"I'm so sorry''

''Stop apologizing sweetheart, it's not your fault'' Seth said with a warm smile

''Look why don't I run you a bath and then we could order some take out and have a movie night?'' Dean suggested

''I'd like that'' I said

''Cool. I'll go and get the food'' Roman said as he headed for the door

''And I'll go and run you that bath'' Dean said as he walked into the bathroom

''Seth?'' I said quietly

''Yeah'' he replied

''Were Dean and I. Were we close? know before everything happened?'' I asked

''Yeah you were really close'' Seth confirmed ''Roman and I used to tease you both all the time, telling you that you should just get together already.'' Seth let out a low chuckle

''We were?'' I asked a little surprised

''Yeah you were always hugging and holding hands but you never took things any further than being friends'' Seth explained

''And what about Roman and i? What was our relationship like?'' I asked, intrigued to know more

''Well I remember you telling me once that he was like a older brother to you'' Seth stated ''You always used to go to him whenever you had a problem or needed someone to talk to''

''What about us?'' I asked

''Ah well you and i were like brother and sister too. We would always argue and play fight and sometimes we would get on each others nerves but it's only because we're so similar in age'' Seth said

''Bath's ready darling'' Dean announced as he walked back into the room

''Okay'' I said, getting up off the bed. I  grabbed a towel and a clean pair of pajamas from my bag and made my way into the bathroom

* * *

''Everything alright?'' I asked as I looked at Seth, who had a smile on his face

''She was asking about you'' he replied as he walked over to the couch and switched on the TV

''What?'' I said as I followed him

''She was asking about what your relationship was like before she forgot everything'' Seth explained as he flicked through the channels

''And?'' I urged

''And what?'' Seth replied

''What did you say?'' I asked, nervous that he had gave Clara a bad impression of me

''I didn't tell her that you loved her so don't sweat it'' Seth teassd ''I just told her that you were close and that Roman and I used to tease you about getting together''

* * *

I couldn't help but think about what Seth said as I relaxed in the bath. Dean and I were so close that they teased us about being together! It would explain why I feel so safe around him and why I seemed to trust him so much. However it still felt a little weird to me to think that we were once like that. I zoned out for a while trying to remember something. Anything.


I heard Roman's voice from the other side of the door and I looked at the clock on the wall to see that I had been in the bath for nearly half and hour. I got out of the bath and dried myself off, getting changed and tying my hair back off my face

''I wasn't sure what to get so I just got a little bit of everything'' Roman said as he turned around to look at me

I smiled and walked over to where he had the food. I took a plate and loading it up with a bit of everything he had brought back

''You alright?'' Dean asked as he got himself some food

''Yeah i'm fine'' I said as I took my plate over to the couch and placed it on the table

''Right. What should we watch?'' Roman asked as he placed his plate in his lap and brought up Netflix on the TV

Dean sat down beside me and placed a blanket over my lap, smiling at me as I looked at him gratefully. After a while they agreed on a movie to watch and I placed my plate back down on the table, leaning my head against Dean once I had finished.

* * *

I looked over at Clara and Dean and then looked over to Roman. Roman caught my eye and we exchanged a look of relief. Clara and Dean used to cuddle like this all the time before everything happened and this was a good sign that Clara's memory was slowly starting to come back.

* * *

I wasn't sure why i rested my head on Dean's shoulder. It was almost like i acted out of instinct. Dean reached for my hand under the blanket and i allowed him, it felt natural to link my fingers with his, so I did. I was really tired but I didn't want to fall asleep again only to have another dream like the one i had before.

''You tired?'' Dean asked

''Yeah but I worried that ill  have another dream like the last one'' I admitted

''Well you could have the double bed for a few nights. I don't mind swapping if it's gonna help you out'' Roman offered

I wasn't sure what Roman meant by offering me the double bed and my confused expression only grew stronger as Dean tensed up beside me

''Yeah Dean could stay with you in case something happens'' Seth added with a sly smile

"Guys cut it out" Dean warned

I finally realized what Roman and Dean were suggesting but instead of feeling embarrassed by the suggestion, I felt completely at ease, almost as if Dean and I had shared a bed regularly.

''I think it would help actually" I stared "knowing that you'll be there if i need you''

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