Chapter Four

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when I got home I just rushed straight to my room to find something to wear. After half an hour of searching I finally found the perfect dress. I took a shower and was out in six minutes before I was half way across my room my phone started to vibrate. I Took my time to pick it up because I already knew it was Liz calling me. Once I picked it up I see the caller I.D said Drama Queen

I put the phone my ear "Yes Liz?"

"Are you getting ready? She asked me

"Yes I just got out of the shower about to star putting my clothes on"

"Ok well be snappy about it and you best not wear no old rages or I will tear them from your body"

"Whatever" I hang up the phone before she could say another word or make another one of her stupid comments.

I put the dress that I dug from out of nornia at the back of my closet. It was a purple strapless fitted dress that stopped right above my knees. 'ok now lets see what should I do with you now' I spoke to myself as I sat in front of the mirror. First I tryed putting it in a pig tail with a few strands loose at the front but it wasn't my cop of coffee.

I sat there for like five minutes trying different styles, I ended up pulling out a pair of scissors" now you listen to me now you mop, Liz will be here in a couple of minutes and if I'm not ready by then she will kill me now you best cooperate or I will cut every single strands and give you to some cancer patient. Ok!" I said to my hair in the mirror treting it.

I looked at the time and it said 7:20, I had fourthy minutes left. I turned my attention back to my hair thats when it hit me. I pull back the right side of my hair holding it down with hair pins and left the rest loose. I was never one for makeup so I put on some lip gloss and a little eyeliner. I put on a pair of black heels, not too high, not too short and I was finished.

After I was finished putting myself together I looked at the the and it said 7:57 , thats when I heard a car horn I glance at myself once more and was pleased. I rushed out the door passing my mom watching t.v in the living room

"Be back soon mom" I said to her going out the door

"Ok. Have fun" I heard her said

I walked out to Liz's car and got in the passenger seat next to her. I could feel her eyes on me "what?" I asked her putting on my seat belt.

"Well done you look hot, now the guys wont be able to keep there claws off of you"

"Whatever just drive "

"Seriously I would do you if I was into girls. Know what scratch thatI would do you anyways" she said putting the car in drive.

"Ewww. Gay much?" I returned she just chuckled, I didn't pay here much attention I know it's because she is my friend thtis why she is saying these things.

The ride to the club was mostly Liz murdering my hears with her crowing and me telling her about the guy I met on the elevator earlier today. When we got to the club there was a long line at the door, I quess the people were waiting to get in. Liz pull me to the door up to the security that was there

"Guest of Jason" she to the man

"Yes this way please miss smith" he said to her opening the door for us. We gained a few stairs and death glear from the people who where standing outside. When we made it through the second door, into the club. The music was loud and pumping, lights of different colors where shining.

We went straight to the bar where the bartender immediately asked us what he could get us to drink. He was seriously cute the his drown hair looked wet but perfect. His eyes where the most breath taking Shad of drown, he must have sensed me stairing cause he turned to me and smiled bu being the chicken that I am my immediate response was to hold my head down.

"Hey Jason over here" I saw Liz waving a guy over

"Hey you came" he said placing a kiss in her cheek

"Of course I came, by the way this is Samantha she works with me" she said pointing at me.

He stretcher out his hans and accepted it " its nice to meet you Samantha"

"Its nice to meet you too Jason you have a lovely club" I said to him letting his hand go

"Thank you and I hope you enjoy yourself you can order whatever you like and there is a VIP section if you like"

"Thank you I will do"

"I will have to borrow Liz for a minute if you dont ming" he said with a smile holding on to her hand

"Sure you can just have her back before midnight " I said teasingly and off they went. After they left I order some soda then I heard a voice next to me

"You know there is alcohol here and if you can't drink your probably too young to be here to. I suggest you leave before I call security"

I was about to answer the brut who just said that but when I turned around my eyes met with the same ones form this morning in the elevator.

"My age does not determine wether I can drink or not as for you grandpa shouldn't you be home babysitting the grandkids" I said with a sour look on my face

"I'll have you know CHILD there is nothing old about me" he said with a smirk on his face " so you found out who I was and you stocking me now, you know I didn't take you for that type of girl "

A look of astonishment was on my face " why would I just stock a complete stranger" I walked off leave him standing at the bar. I went to the VIP area that Jason was so kind enough to reserve for me.
By the time I was seated there he was walking in, without my permission .

"I didnt invite you in you know that"

" I don't need an invitation " he said unbuttonin his jacket and sitting across from me

"And why is that?" I asked taking a sip of my soda

"Because I say so " he said with a cocky grind on his face.

"How about I know your name"

Is he for real? " Samantha. Samantha Jones"

"Your name suits you well" he said

"What is that suppose to mean?" I ask him but he was on his two feet .

"I must be on my way. It was nice seeing you again miss Jones, do have a good evening" and he was out the door.

"Like seriously?" I said drinking some more of my now warm soda.

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