Chapter 9

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I woke up to the smell of food. I tryed fighting it but I was up. I layed there for about a two minutes then was up. I went ro the bathroom to bursh my teeth and comb my raged mop. I went back to my bedroom to clean it.

When I was finshed and was headed to the door I tripped over one of the boxes that had my things in it "MOTHER OF OTAMEALS" I cursed under my breath with tears running down my face. I forgot I havent unpacked those yet because I was so exsausted yesterday.

I followed the sent to the kitchen were I saw Beverley cooking. I caught her attention that's when she turned around " Good morning dear. How was your night"

"Morning. It was ok I guess" I said sitting in one of the bar stool at the island. When she turned around to hand me the plat she must have noticed the tear stain on my face."oh my dear where you crying?"

I quickly wip my face "no I wasn't" she place the plate in front of me. The plate had scrambled eggs, two baby carrot, a slice of toast and a glass of orange juice. I smiled at her, but frowned at the carrots. We had an intense stear down until Beverley interupt.

"Well I hope you slept well" We sat there getting to know each other. Bev turns out to be a nice worm hearted lady. She as been working her for befor mr. O'Connor was born then his parents moved to England. She has three children the two oldest and the youngest around my age in university.

When we were finish eating I turned on the on the pipe to do the dishes but she stop me.

"You don't have to do that, thats my job"

"I insist. Plus its my job as well. I dont mind" she let go of my hand and I got to work. We both did the dishes. I would wash and she rinsed. I tryed to tell her that I was well capable of completing the task on my own. But she wasn't having it. We had small talks while we did the dishes.

"Oh that reminds me Joshua wants to see you in his office"

When I was finished doing the dishes Beverley direct me to the office. It wasn't that far off from the kitchen. I stood in front of two large white doors. I tryed to straighten up myself before going in. I knobcked on the door. The voice behind it commanding me to enter. I pushed the doors open and was greeted by a larg room. There were book shelves on two of the walls then my eyes caught hold of one book in particular, one that has haunted me dreams numerous times, one that I've always wanted but never had the money to get it 'Lies Lovers Tell'. I wonder If he would ever let me borrow it. Maybe not considering that he's so rude.

I looked around there was a large leather couch In front of one of the book shelves. Another one was on the opposite side of the room. There was a roof to floor window that showed a beautiful view of the back yard. And thers sat mr. O'Connor behind a larg dark wood desk that was perfectly organized lookout the window

He sat there like that for another minute then stood up and walked around the table and sat on the edge with his arms crossed over his chest. He was wearing blue seirt that huge his upper half perfectly, not too tight but not too big. On the lower half he had on a low rider black pants that shouts sexy just by looking at it. His hair looked a little messy but was perfectly messy.

Then a feeling of disappointment washed over me " Sam don't even go there, he doesn't go for your kind" I said to my self brushing away the feeling

"Mr. Jones are you feeling well?" I heard, knocking me from my thoughts

"No...I mean yes I'm fine just had something on my mind thats all" I said remembering

His reply shocked me " care to share" he asked. my head went up immediately " no its ok" I told him

"ok then seeing that's its nothing is wrong lets get to business. You will be working as my personal assistant, were you will tend to my every call. While you will be working here I might call you in at the office "

I couldn't help but notice the way he stress the word 'every'. " I thought that the job description would have been the same as at the hotel"

"As you may see Beverley already have that aspect of the job covered. But if you wish to do that part of the job as well your more than welcome. I will pay you for that too" he said crossing his legs at the ankles.

"No that's fine"

"Good from now on your responsible for cleaning this office. To keep the files in order and organiz. At all times this room should be kept clean"

"Yes sir " was my only reply.

"Don't call me that"

"Sorry. Mr. O'Connor"

"You may simply call me Josh, if you may just as I will call you Samantha "

"Ok. Mr. Joshua"

"You may loose the Mr."

I looked at him but couldn't hold his gaze for long. "I was thought to always show my elders respect"

His arms moved from his chest to push himself to a standing position. "I asure you. MISS. JONES we are not that far apart in age. Joshua will do perfectly fine if you may." he said with a smirk on his face.

"Yes" I said looking at him.

He went to sit back around the desk to sit in his chair. " I will need your information in order for me to wire your pay to your account" I nod my head indicating a yes. "Ok then you are dismissed" the said turning back to the view outside.

I left the office and went back to my room to unpack the boxes to eliminate any chance of this mornings event from reoccurring.

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