Chapter Twenty-Six

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I tried keeping my distance from Josh after what happened in the kitchen eairlier today. "Can I take your bags" The driver asked taking my suit case from my hand.

"Thank you Roy" I said getting into the car with Joshua following behind. Once he was in and the door closed the car drove off.

I scooted away from him cause we were too close for comfort. He must have caught my movement and looked over at me. "I've already told you Samantha. I don't bite"

"I don't care,  just keep your distance if you want us to get along."

"Are you sure about that?" he a little too confident coming closer to me.

"yes MR. O'Conner. I'm sure" I said pushing him away in an attempt to gain some distance between the both of us.

"Ok then Miss. Jones, as you wish." Then his phone rang, without a second to waste he answered. "Yes father. Yes. Yes I'm on my way to the airport right now. Yes father I will let you know as soon as they sign the contract. Ok then talk to you later." With that he hanged up. The rest of the ride to the airport was long and boring.

We got to the airport about an hour later. The car pulled up next to a plane on a runway strip. The door swang opened and Josh got out. I saw him holding out his hand, gesturing for me to take it. I just took it and got out. once I was out of the car I saw Roy taking our luggage into the plane. He lead us to the plane and a man in a pilot suit approached us. "Mr. O'Conner its good to see you again" He shooked his hand and turned to me. "And who is this beautiful lady" He held his hand out for me to shake it and I did.

"Hi, I'm Samantha Jones"

"nice to meet you miss. Jones. I will be your pilot for the trip." He walked off climbing a flight of stairs for us to follow him and we did. When we got in there I had to gasp because it was beautiful.

 All the seats looked like they were covered with leather. I was about to walk off when something stopped me. When I turned around and looked down at my hand it was still entwined with his. I quickly pulled my hand away from his.

He gestured his and for me to go further and I gladly obliged to get some distance from him. "A private plane?" I asked him, admiring the interior of the plane. I walked over to one of the chairs and sat down. My guess earlier was right, the seats were covered with white leather. The moment my rear made contact with the chair, it felt like heaven, it was so soft and comfy. "Yea, I expected us to fly in style, but not in a private plane" I said turning my attention to him.

He only walked over to a counter. The counter was lined out with a variety of alcohol. He picked up what looked like a bottle of champagne and two glass. He walked over to the chair across from me.  "Yea its the company's plan which therefore makes it the family plane. Plus its  faster than a commercial plane and will get us to south Korea quicker."

He hand me one of the glass he was holding and sat down. "Thank you" I said taking the glass from his hand.

"Don't worry its Sparkling Cider . I remembered that your a light weight" He said with a smile on his lips.

"Oh" Was all I said.

"What. Too much?"

"Excuse me?" I asked taking a sip from my glass.

"The plane Samantha"

"oh no. Its not. Its just....Nothing. Its nice"

"Thank you" he said bringing the glass to his lips. Our attention was drawn to the entrance. "we are about to take off in two minute, so please keep seated and fasten your seat belt. Please do so until I tell you that it is safe." He went back to his quarters.

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