chapter 3

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Cassie's POV: "There is no way in the world that two famous youtubers would go all the way across the country and back just so they could get two fans to be in a video." I accused while staring at Johnnie.

On top of that, if they wanted us in their video they could have just asked. If they thought we were that big of fans they should have known we would say yes right away. He looked flustered and worried, as if he had no good answer for the question.

"Oh, Um, about that..." Johnnie stuttered.

I looked at Jenna and she looked back at me, mirroring my worried expression. I took out my phone without thinking twice and took a picture of with me and Johnnie. Then I posted it everywhere with a description begging for help and explaining our situation. I shared the post on everything I could and then I showed it to them with a proud smile.

"Any second now there will be police officers banging on your door to come and save us."

I rubbed it in their faces before looking back at my phone. I realized that there was posts all over the internet about the disappearance of Jenna and I. The most popular image being used was one of Jenna and I climbing a tree together. So I started commenting on as many posts I could saying where I was. I'm surprised the two haven't stopped me yet, I guess they're in shock. The look on both of their faces dropped like they couldn't believe what just happened.

"Come with me" Johnnie growled angrily as he harshly grabbed my arm.

He dragged me into one of the doors on the other side of the basement and I realized it was a bedroom. He threw me onto the bed roughly and held out his hand.

"Give me your phone." He commanded with an authority I have never heard before.

If I weren't so mad it would have convinced me to give up the only form of communication I have with the outside world.

"No!" I yelled back and sat on the device so he couldn't get to it.

He picked me up easily and moved me over before I could even process what was gong on. He then snatched my phone from off the comforter and he threw it to the floor. He lifted his foot and stomped on the phone, smashing the screen quickly. He didn't stop and continued to smash the expensive electronic.

"No!" I screeched.

"I hate you! I wish I never knew about you!" I yelled while crying.

This phone is like my child, my entire life is on that phone through pictures, and notes, and text messages. Now it's all gone, and I'll never get it back. All because of a man who I thought was amazing just a few days ago. My life would be completely different had someone just told me to not share so much personal information on social media, but unfortunately that didn't happen and now this is what's happening. 

"Look I'm sorry but you can't be telling everybody where you are and that we took you. We tried to trust you, we didn't take your phone when you first came here. Now you two are not going to get it so easy." He said. I just turned away and cried into my arms, not wanting to talk to this monster anymore. I heard Johnnie walk out the door and I heard him lock it, leaving me alone in the room.

Jenna's POV: Johnnie walked back into the main room alone after taking Cassie somewhere. My heart beat rapidly in my chest and I tried looking behind him for my friend. When she still didn't show up I glared at the man and squared up with him. We were almost the same height so I didn't feel helpless or small. That was until Bryan walked up next to Johnnie. He was several inches above my head and I backed away a little bit but tried to keep up my image.

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