chapter 17

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Cassie's POV:

5 days later

"Ok come on we have to go to the Allen County fairground this says" Johnnie said sounding confused.

We started driving there it took 5 minutes to get there we got out of the car it was only 80° that's not that hot to me anymore. Me and Blake walked in holding hands so did Jenna and Matt. I could see Jordan smiling out of the corner of my eye. I wonder if he's happy to be here or happy for me and Jenna. Maybe both. We walked in and went to the YouTubers canopy thing. We looked at the scedual.

1-3 youtubers meet and greet

3:15 BOTDF

3:45 FIR

4:15 BVB

That's all me and Jenna needed to see we new exactly what we were doing all day. Its only 12 so me and Blake decided to look around and try to find where everything was.

"Maybe we can find FIR somewhere" I said squealing.

I held on to Blake's hand tightly and I saw people crowded around a gate because they aren't allowed in until 1:15. I went over and said hi and then we kept walking. I saw Ronnie from FIR and ran over to him.

"Can I take a selfie with you" I asked him.

"sure" he said and I took like 100 pictures.

We decided to start walking back because it was 1:00. We got back to the tent and only Shannon was there. So was Diegosaurs.

"Hi Diego I'm a big fan of yours" I said shaking his hand.

We talked for a little bit and then all the youtubers started showing up and the people started lining up outside the tent because it was now 1:20. I decided to give them highfives. I drug Blake with me we ran down the long line and then back up it took more than five minutes because we kept getting stopped but then we had to stay at the tent because it was time for the meet and greet.

I took so many pictures with people I was all wore out just after a half hour.

"How do you guys always do this" I asked laughing.

"Its complicated" Shannon said.

I couldn't wait until BOTDF performed I love listening to them. The only problem is Carrie and Tawshia if I see them there will be lots of problems. After the meet and greet I ran to where BOTDF was performing I was allowed to go behind the stage and so was Blake and Jenna and Matt. I went back there to talk to Dahvie and Jayy. But before I saw them I saw Tawshia and Cassie and me and Jenna ran over to them and the guys just followed us confused.

"So why all of a sudden can't you talk to us are you to good for us" I asked rolling my eyes.

"Ok look we don't have time for friends or anything so just go away" Tawshia said and pushed me back.

I went to swing at her but Blake caught my arm.

"Cas chill" he said and I lowered my arm.

"Have a good show" I said rolling my eyes.

I probably would have gotten kicked out if I would have hit her but oh well I didn't care at the moment. I hate those girls so much it was 3:15 and they started off singing Bewitched.

"Ok so some people have suggested for some people to sing this so none of us on here are singing this song" Jayy said.

"Thanks to the MDE fam Cassie, Jenna, Blake, and Matt are going to be singing so come up here guys"

we walked up to the stage and we were all nervous but we sang nice and loud and enjoyed it. Blake and Matt are such awesome singers. After the song I dropped the mic and hopped off the stage because I didn't want to be there anymore. Jenna and Matt stayed there while they performed but me and Blake sat down under a tree until FIR came on. I wasn't really able to enjoy the rest of my day I was extremely mad about what Tawshia said.

We had brought our tour bus to the fairgrounds so after FIR went on we decided to sit in the bus. I texted Alex and told where we were so they wouldn't panic. Me and Blake talked for about 15 minutes and he was trying to calm me down but it want working. He kissed my forehead and when he pulled back he looked at me and felt my forehead.

"Are you ok" he asked me.

"I guess so why" I asked confused.

"Your forehead is burning hot" he responded and I felt it with the back of my hand and it was.

He called Kyle and he came and checked on me. He got out a doctors bag. He said every tour bus has one in case someone gets sick. He pulled out a thermometer and gave it to me I put it in my mouth and eventually it beeped.

"102.3 no more kissing she's probably contagious" he said.

I couldn't help but laugh since he randomly said no kissing.

"Get some rest I'm gonna go unless you guys want me to stay with you" he told us.

"We'll be fine" Blake said.

"I'm serious no kissing" Kyle said.

Me and Blake looked at each other and kissed. And looked back at Kyle and smiled.

"Fine let her give you a disease" he said and left the bus.

We both started to laugh at his dramatic exit. I laid down on one of the beds and Blake just sat beside me staring at me.

"Look I know I'm pretty but there's no reason to stare" I said with my eyes still closed.

He laughed and I heard him get up. I couldn't help but wonder where he was going. I opened my eyes and watched him get. Off the bus. So he's just going to leave me here. That's nice to do when someone is sick. I feel asleep two hours later I woke up to the bus moving and Blake sitting beside me with flowers.

"Hi" I said looking up.

Blake just laughed at me and handed me the flowers.

"Where are we going now" I asked.

"Its a surprise" Kyle said.

Nobody was smiling so it must be a bad surprise.

"Why does everyone look so sad" I asked.

Me Jenna, Matt, and Blake are the only ones that don't know the surprise but surely it won't be to bad.

Hi peoplz please comment and vote peace out girl/boy scouts✌✌✌

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