chapter 10

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Cassie's POV: I started crying she cant be gone there's no way.

"Cassie its ok why are you crying" Johnnie asked.

"She's dead I loved her like a sister and now she's gone" I told him.

"Cassie she's not dead" Johnnie said confused.

"But the doctor said she was" I responded.

It must have been the voice in my head maybe now that I know she's ok it will go away I can only hope.

"I....I need to see her" I stuttered.

"Cassie what's wrong" Jordan asked worriedly.

"There's a voice or something in my head its been saying things about Alex like she's gonna die and it said that she did died and I'm scared" I said and started to cry.

Jenna came over to me and gave me a hug. I wiggled out of the hug and ran to Johnnie.

"I need to see her and maybe it will go away I need to right now" I said while stuttering.

"ok the doctor said she was allowed to have visitors" Johnnie said and we started walking to were Alex was.

"Whatever you do don't touch her head" Johnnie said.

We got to the door and I ran into the room to where Alex was laying awake.

I hugged her and started crying.

"What's wrong" she asked me.

"I thought you were dead" I said and cried even harder.

She held me in a tight hug and I just stayed there and cried. Everyone left the room to talk to the doctor except me and Jenna. We decided we wanted to stay with Alex. She sat up on the bed so each of us could sit beside her. She kept assuring us that she was ok that she only has a headache. I hadn't been hearing the voice anymore and its been around an hour since I heard it last hopefully that means its gone for good. The guys finally walked back in and told us that Alex was allowed to go home but she would need medicine because she might have some migraines.

We all walked out to the car and we decided to go to Jordan's house and get her medicine later. None of us had really gotten any sleep last night so we all decided to go to sleep.

"She's gone" "Your never going to see her again" "she's mine now" "she has breathed her final breathe"

I woke up in tears it had only been an hour and I ran to where Alex should be sleeping.

"Alex!!!!" I screamed as loud as I could while still running.

Johnnie ran out of his room.

"What's wrong" he asked scared.

"It said she's dead" I said tears streaming down my face.

Johnnie and me ran to where she was sleeping but she was ok.

"Alex can I stay her with you" I asked her.

"Sure" she said and I laid down.

Hopefully the voices will go away since she's beside me now. Johnnie went back to bed and I fell asleep facing Alex.

2 hours later

I won't up and everyone we was in the kitchen making lunch it was 3:43 pm.

"Did you sleep good" Jordan asked me. Everyone looked worried.

"Yes" I said and smiled so they wouldn't know that the voices didn't stop.

"Nobody is safe from me" it said.

"Stop it" I thought to myself.

I started making a pancake for me for lunch because that was one of the few things I actually know how to make. After I finished Alex signaled me to come with her. We walked to her room and she shut the door.

"Cassie I love you, you are like my little sister now and if anything is the matter I want you to tell me so I can help you" she said and tears filled her eyes.

"I love you too Alex and I have always thought of you as my big sister since I met you and to be honest I do have something to tell you" I said and sighed.

"Ever since you got hurt I have been having these voices in my head telling me that you were dead and that you took your last breathe and that nobody is safe from it and I'm scared" I said and started crying and I saw the tears slipping from her eyes.

"Cassie everything will be ok I promise I will help these voices go away and I need you to know that whenever you need to talk just call me and I promise to be right over even if I was receiving one billion chocolate bars" she finished off.

I felt a little bit better after that little chat with Alex and I left the room and she followed me. We went to the kitchen and everyone was still there.

"Get in the car" Johnnie ordered.

We all started walking me and Jenna looked at each other with confusion on our faces.

"Where are we going" I asked.

"Its a surprise" he said.

Everyone looked back at me and Jenna and smiled it was kinda creepy. I checked my phone and we had already been in the car for a half hour.

"Wow this is taking forever where are we going" I asked.

"Were almost there so chill" Bryan said.

I never imagined Bryan saying the word chill. I played the music on my phone and me and Jenna were pretty much screaming the lyrics to Candy land by BOTDF.

"What kind of music do you girls listen too" Alex asked with her jaw dropped.

"I remember interviewing BOTDF" Bryan said.

And we started pulling into a driveway. We got out of the car and followed Johnnie. Two guys with black masks opened the door grabbed me and Jenna and slammed the door in everybody else's faces.

"Let go of me" I screamed.

"I'll kick you where you don't want to be kicked" Jenna screamed.

"I'm going to call the police" I yelled while trying to get my phone out.

But it was no use they were too strong and he had both of my arms. The only reason i knew they were guys is because the way they both had muscles and tattoos on their arms which they were hiding some. It felt like I knew them.

Blah lol hi peoplz I'm very bored please vote and comment and whatever if you want anyways peace out girl scouts✌✌✌

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