chapter 20

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Since I'm nice I'm publishing it already

Cassie's POV: I woke up in a dark room. It looked like I was in a hospital. I got off the bed and started walking down the halls they were pitch black. There was fee lights turned or that were bright red. I saw a bright red door at the end of the hallway and started walking towards it.

"Where is everyone" I whispered to myself.

Then something popped out in front of me I went to scream but I couldn't. The thing that popped out disappeared and I kept walking. I got to the door and opened it. All I saw was bright white.

"Am I dead" I asked myself. I shut the door and went to run back.

But something that looked like five demons popped out in front of me. They started dragging me down a staircase covered in blood. I couldn't scream so I tried to fight back. I kicked and swing my arms but it didn't help.

Blake's POV: we finally got the hospital and it took a half hour but they finally let us go in and see her. She laid there asleep. She looked dead. Her body looked completely lifeless. Tears tried to escape my eyes but I wouldn't let them. Instead I stood there and looked at her. She started fidgeting. She looked like as if she was a little kid having a nightmare. Maybe she was. She opened her mouth but nothing came out. Then her back jolted back. She started kicking and her arms were flying everywhere.

"Cassie wake up please" I started shaking her hoping she would wake up from this nightmare she was having.

But I couldn't she just laid there with what looked like a evil smile on her face. I started crying I couldn't control it anymore. I love her I need her to be ok.

Cassie's POV: after we got to the bottom of the stairs the demons pulled my lips back into a grin and stapled then there. I couldn't feel a thing. But then my skin slowly started rotting away and I looked up and saw a bright white light again. I reached my hand hoping an Angel would grab my hand and pull me out of this. I should have just walked through that door but I didn't. I just want to be back on Earth again. Not wherever I am right now. I saw a hand grabbing down and I started jumping to catch it. But the demons pulled me down. I could no longer speak. I could no longer breath. If I was dead I didn't really need to though. The hand kept reaching down farther and soon there were five sets of hands grabbing for me. Four of them were getting the demons away and the fifth one grabbed me and pulled me up. I looked around and it was bright white. Where was I supposed to even be. They fought over me. Do they just pick and choose does it not matter what you did in your life.

An Angel walked over to me dressed in a white dress. She put her hand on my cheek then ripped out the staples. I could talk and breath again. I looked down and I was wearing bright white clothes. Is this where I'm supposed to be their not fighting for me anyone. Is this really the end. I only got to live on the Earth for 14 years and I had a boyfriend my best friend that was truly my sister and all my other sisters and brothers even if they weren't really related I loved them all. Were they at the hospital was I already declared to be dead. Or do I still have a chance. In my body am I still breathing. Can I just fall down and be back. Can I look over them.

"Can....can I see them?" I asked the Angel in front of me.

She started leading me to a spot with a fence I looked over and there they were. They were all crying. And then I saw my lifeless body laying there. At least I think its lifeless at the moment I have no idea.

"Am I still alive" I asked looking up at the Angel.

"I'm sorry I'm not allowed to answer that not now" she said and started walking away.

Blake's POV: I couldn't quit crying yes she was still breathing and her heart was still beating but if she woke up will she even remember who I am. Her head jerked back slightly to where she was looking at the ceiling and she raised her hand. She held it up and kept jerking her arm like someone was dragging her down. Then she just dropped her arm. Shortly later the evil grin had disappeared. She stopped moving and just laid there once again.

Cassie's POV: I kept looking down at everyone. Everything I did my body did. I saw Blake grab my hand. I pulled my hand up and it did the same thing down where I could see them. I put his hand on my heart then I pulled it away and squeezed his hand and he started crying he laid his head down on an empty stop of the bed and laid there crying. Did he know I was trying to communicate with him.

Blake's POV: I grabbed her hand. She lifted it to her heart pulled it away and squeezed it tighter then she ever did before. What does this mean. Was she still here somewhere was she communicating with us. I just can't understand I laid my head down on the bed and cried more.

Cassie's POV: I looked down and Blake had jumped up and everyone's heads turned towards my head he was screaming something but I couldn't hear. He was being dragged away by doctors. Was that it. Did I just breathe my last breath. Was it all over now. The angel walked over to me.

"You just breathed your last breath my dear you have 2 minutes to make the decision of going back" she said and walked away again.

What did she mean I have the decision of course I want to go back but I don't know how.

"Wait how do I get back" I screamed and she looked back.

"That is what you have to figure out" she said and she disappeared.

Blake's POV: I was still crying and I heard a beep. I held my head up and I was still holding on to Cassie's hand. Doctors started rushing in and they started dragging me out.

"No Cassie please come back I love you" I shouted and the doors were slammed in my face.

I turned around and Jenna just sat in a corner on the floor no tears coming out I think she was in shock. Whenever someone tried to get near her she would scream so nobody even tried. I felt so bad for her she has known Cassie the longest and she loves her more than anyone. I went and sat in a seat and sat there crying. She was really gone.

Cassies POV: "Cassie 30 seconds left" I heard a low voice say.

I didn't know what to do. I climbed onto the fence and jumped. A blanket had been laid over me and everyone was allowed to see one last glance at me.

Blake's POV: they finally let us in. They told us she was gone I still wanted to see her though. I walked in and her body was covered in a blanket I pulled it off and held her hand. It was freezing cold. She was extremely pale. I can't believe this is the end. Why here why now I need her we need her. She didn't deserve to die.

Omg guys comment if you got tears when you read this lol peace out girl/boy scouts✌✌✌

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