Chapter 1: An Icy Situation

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Jack POV.
I just stared at her in my arms. I couldn't protect her, I can protect everyone who doesn't believe in me and yet, the one girl who can is gone. I failed her, I failed myself. As these thoughts storm my head, I feel the anger in me build. This was all my fault, if I hadn't scared her if I had only.... this wasn't all my fault. If anything the blame went to that ass Pitch. Pitch! I gently released my hold on Elsa and walked over to Pitch. The sun was setting now and the cold night was taking it's place. The cold only made me feel stronger. "Pitch!" I yelled going up to him. He was on the ground. His hands were turning blue and he was shaking. I looked down at him, that's when he began to freeze. The ice began at his heart (or where his heart would be) and it spread outward in swirls and snowflakes. His heart was freezing, she froze his heart. "I'll get you for this!" Pitch said in a faded tone. I watched the ice take over his body and he froze. "Goodbye Pitch." I said un-clenching my fists. My eyes scanned him all over, I don't know what I was looking for, signs of life? I was deep in my gaze when I heard a gasp. Elsa.

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