Chapter 2: The Frozen Flower

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Rapunzel POV.
I awoke in an unfamiliar room. The walls were blue as ice and the carpet looked like fallen snow, the bed that I was currently laying on was also blue. Then I knew almost instantly where I was because a boy with messy white hair walked in. "Jack?" I asked, he gave a slight nod then leaned against the wall. "Hey, Blondie." He said. "Why am I in your room? Wait, better question what happened?" I asked him, by now I was sitting at the edge of the bed. Was he cold? Because I'm freezing right now. "Well, I have no idea about what happened between you and Flynn but, he beat ya. When he eventually stopped, I tried to get you up but, it didn't really work. So, I brought you to the nurse but, school ended so, she wasn't there. Then I just brought ya back here." He explained, he sill leaned against the wall. "So, then that explains why I'm here." I said getting off of the plush bed. "Well, thank you and all but, I gotta go." I began to walk out of his room. I could see that the door was just down the stairs. I began to step down when I felt my head get dizzy and then I collapsed. I went tumbling down the stairs. Jack came running after me, this kinda reminds me of that old nursery rhyme. (Jack and Jill) "Rapunzel!" He yelled as I hit the ground. "You okay!" He said once he made it to the bottom of the stairs. "Ye-eah." I said stuttering while trying to get up. Jack put his hand out for me to grab but, I declined. "I've got this." I said as I got to my feet. I took maybe three steps until I fell again. "You are definitely not okay." He said as he sat down on the hard tile floor next to me. Now that I look at it, his entire entryway is grand. Jack's house had clean white tile all down the hallway and stairs, the walls were a deep blue and there was a fluffy black rug right in front of the door. I looked up at him. "Okay, okay. Maybe I'm not fully okay." I said looking into his bright eyes. "Well, now that you've admitted it, let's get you back upstairs." He said. Jack then stood up and grabbed my hands to pull me to my feet. "C'mon let's go." He said grabbing my forearm.

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