☆ Chapter 5: Student at Day, Celebrity at Night ★

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Kaito's POV

That stupid Gakupo. He knows that we have a concert today and what does he do? Flirt with that Luka. And then when he comes to my house he'll say "Kaito! Stop being a killjoy!" or "Kaito! Why don't you go out with anyone?". I can already imagine him saying it. Its so annoying.

Beep. Beep.

I turned on my phone. A text from Piko.

Sender: Piko Utatane
Message: Where are you idiot!? We got one hour left before the concert! Bring Gakupo with you! I can't contact him!

I sighed. I texted him back.

Message: Yeah. Okay. I'm almost there. Gakupo will find his way.

I hit the send button. As I returned my phone in my pocket, another message instantly pops out.

Sender: Piko Utatane
Message: WTF!?

I didn't bother to reply. I sighed as I walked going to the town square. Just a block more and I'm there. I started memorizing the songs and chords. I hummed the intro of the first song we'll perform.

"Nananana... Nananana..." Its really catchy. Gakupo is the composer. To be honest, he's really good even though his mind is blunt and immature.

I reached the town square. Its packed with people, waiting for the gig to start. Hanging from the ceiling are tarpaulins with our band name and picture. Its really noisy in here. I covered half of my face with my scarf so people won't recognize me. I walked around the crowd and in the backstage. There I heard a familiar high pitched shout.

"Yuuma you idiot!" The loud white haired midget shouted at the pinkette who is ignoring him right now. "Get your ass out of that chair and get changed! We are about to start the opening song, you lazy ass!" He threw him his costume and kicked him into the dressing room.

"Hey Piko." I said as I walked to him. He still had that frustrated look.

"Get changed!" He threw me my costume and pushed me in the dressing room too. I sighed and placed my bag on the floor. Piko is really annoying at times. He is a perfectionist.

At the other side of the room, I saw Yuuma, the one who was kicked by Piko. He rubbed the back of his head in frustration then started unzipping his jacket. He caught me looking at him and smirked.

"What 'cha looking at, pretty boy?" He said as he was removing his shirt. I clicked my tongue in disgust.

"Watch that hole of yours, pink head. Stop saying shit that's really disgusting." I said. His jaw dropped at what I said. I guess you guys already know Yuuma's sexual orientation.

I started stripping off my clothes then put on the sucky attire. Its just a sleeveless jacket with a plain black shirt and jeans. So lame...

I finished changing. I didn't bother to wait for the homo and opened the door.

"Shit! Shut the-!" I banged the door shut before he finished his sentence. Kiyotero passed by.

"Oh Kaito!" He said. "Here's the new order of songs!" I furrowed my brows.

"New order?" I repeated.

"Yes! Yes! Meiko said the original one was awful so she changed the order." The weird cheerful brunette explained. I forcefully took the list and checked the order carefully. Stupid Meiko, changing the order at the last fucking minute. I crumpled the paper and threw it.

"Come on, smiley. Its about to start." We walked to the stage where Piko, Gakupo and Yuuma were. I got my bass and strapped it around me. Time to start....


Hello readers! I am finally back in Wattpad after 9028484848920292848583993992487636 years! XD

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