✿ Chapter 4: Senpai! ❀

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After class...

Miku's POV

I sighed and waited for the two blondes at the entrance. What the hell are they up to this time?

"Miku-chan!" A familiar voice called me. I looked at my side.

"Luka-senpai?" Her beautiful coral pink hair swayed as she ran to me. Megurine Luka, a tuna loving 3rd year student. She likes anime and music. And has a really good figure, which many guys would die for. In other words, she's my idol.

She held my hand. She was excited for something.

"Miku!!!! He's there! He's there!" She squealed.

"Who's there?" I asked her. She pointed straight at the guy with long purple hair, who is now surrounded with girls.

"That's Gakupo?" I looked at her. I raised an eyebrow.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" She fangirled. So that's Luka's type... I looked at him again. He smiled at the girls around him. He looks..... wrong. Dammit he's coming this way. He waved his hand.

"Luka! Long time no see!" He said. Luka blushed.

"Y-Yeah..." She stuttered. I did a facepalm. She's panicking... He came closer and patted Luka's head, which caused her face to turn to a bright red tomato. He turned his attention to me.

"You must be Miku-san right?" He smiled. "I'm Gakupo."

"Nice to see you...." I muttered.

"Oi, Gakupo!" Someone called him. I turned to see.

"Four-eyed!?" Gakupo laughed and patted his back.

"Looks like you know each other well." He said. Kaito creased his brows.

"What are you doing, Gakupo?" He said sternly.

"Hey, is the song done yet?" I asked. Kaito looked at me.

"Shut up, brat. There's still next week." He said. I clenched my fists.

"I want that song done by Monday. It has to be perfect." I demanded. He clicked his tongue at me.

"I'm leaving. See 'ya later, Gakupo. Bye Luka-senpai." He furrowed his brows. "Brat." He left. Argh!!! I hate him!!!!

"Hahaha! Sorry for Kaito-kun's cold attitude. He's just really like that." Gakupo explained. "But if you get close to him, I'm pretty sure he'll open up to you." I sighed to calmed myself down.

"Its fine." I crossed my arms.

"Miku-chan!" Finally, the blondes came. I looked at them.

"What took you so long!?" I shouted. Len wrapped his arm around my waist. Rin crossed her arms.

"Well, a certain SOMEONE was not listening to the lecture of the damn teacher a while ago and got himself AND his SISTER to detention and COMMUNITY SERVICE." She emphasized some words. Len got pissed.

"Its not my fault someone was STEALING my pen." He shot back. I hit both of their heads. Both of them were knocked out and unconscious. Great, more work to do...

"Luka-senpai, carry Len in my limo. He's heavy. I'll carry Rin." I said. I turned to Gakupo, who was speechless of what just happened.

"We're gonna leave now." I gave Rin a piggy back ride. "See you another time." He tried to smile.

"Y-Yeah..." He avereted his eyes on Luka. "See 'ya tomorrow Luka!"

Luka blushed again. "Y-Yeah!" I sighed and carried Rin into my limo.

Calculation: I Love You | Vocaloid | Miku x Kaito |Where stories live. Discover now