Chapter 12- In A City Of Fools, You Were Careful And Cool.

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Jess POV;

I dragged myself out of bed, Patrick was clearly up and so was everyone else.

I propped myself up on the edge of the bed and stretched, letting out a yawn. I stood up and went into the bathroom, catching sight of my horrific reflection. My hair was all cotty and fluffy, my face was a pure mess and I had giant bags under my eyes. That nightmare had really bothered me and had clearly made me restless to the point my hair was a giant fluff ball. I was still grateful of Patrick waking me and singing me back to sleep, I needed to thank him but first, I obviously needed to look more presentable.

I pulled my plain black jeans on and a plain white t-shirt and one of Patrick's purple cardigans that he had lent me.

I pull a brush through my cotty hair, trying my best to lay the fluffiness down. I do succeed, well kinda. I do foundation, eye liner and mascara and then flee the bathroom, I grab my phone and read a recent text message.

Joe; we're in the lobby.

I don't bother replying because he'll know that I read it. I pull my shoes on and grab the door keys and leave, locking the wooden door behind me.

Hotels always have this distinctive smell to me, I like the smell, I love the feeling of walking down a hotel corridor, it's silent, but a calming silence, a safe silence. I've not felt a safe silence in a while and this one felt good.

I breathe in the hotel smell and walk, my feet silently padding along the carpeted corridor towards the elevator.  I press the button and soon enough, the door opens. I walk in and press the ground floor button, the door close and the elevator jolts a bit, before going down slowly. I stare around the tiny box elevator, it's quiet, this one doesn't play music, I prefer these ones. The doors open to the lobby and I catch sight of Patrick. I break into a run, weaving past shocked British people and straight towards Patrick, I run straight into him, embracing his warm body shape into a hug.

'Holy smokes.' He says under his breath from sheer shock of how I just appeared and nearly knocked him to the floor.

'Thank you.' I mumble into his shirt.

'For what?'

'Waking me up last night from that- that nightmare and then singing me back to sleep,' I inform him.

'Oh,' he says, understanding me now. 'You're welc-'

'Let go of that- that thing Patrick.' Says a voice, we both come out of the hug and stare at the face who said it, knowingly, Elisa stand there, a smirk tugging her lips upwards.

'Elisa,' starts Patrick, rubbing the back of his neck. I don't know why because it's not like we're up to no good, it was a typical friendly, thank you hug. I huff and walk off, shoulder barging Elisa purposely.

I see someone waving to me outside and I walk out to them. Dallon, Brendon and Kenney are there with Pete, Joe, Andy, Josh and Tyler.

'Hey small dude.' I say sarcastically to Dallon, earning a laugh.

'So, when are you telling everyone that Ryden is real?' I question, getting a pissed off look from Brendon.

'Sup Kenney!' I laugh.

'Hey.' All three of them said together, in a kind of scary way.

'What's up with you?' Asks Pete, clearly noticing my smacked arse face.

'Elisa.' Was all I had to say.

'Doesn't surprise me in the slightest.' Chimes in Meagan.

'Who's up for breakfast at that little cafe we saw?' Asks Joe, waving his arms in the air, we all agree and start the short walk down to a little cafe on the corner.

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