Rose Komori

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Published October 10, 2015

Rose Komori


Look: pic above

Likes: music, violin, classical music, being alone, quiet places

Acts: very lazy, thinks everyone is a pain or is too loud and annoying

Dislikes: Loud noises, being bugged by people and the color pink

Personality: lazy, kind of perverted, quiet, rude, very blunt

Birthday: October 18th

Blood type: AB

Hobbies: listening to music, playing the violin and sleeping

Bio: Rose is the eldest of the six sisters their mother never liked them nor did their father the were beaten by them one night they escaped and met Senju the father at a church there they met Yui, Senju's daughter and now adopted little sister.

Rina the second eldest and Rose do not get along that well they always fight.

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