Chapter 1

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I don't remember anything; all I remember is waking up to these unfamiliar faces crowding my hospital bed. All of them smiling-probably hoping that I remember them. Now my mind is just an unpleasant blur of nothing. Fear escapes as most of the people keep inching closer and closer to my bed waiting for a response from me. How can I answer them knowing that I've got nothing? 

I see a doctor emerge from the crowd of people around my bed and say, 

"Hey look whose decided to wake up! Hello Nellie, I'm Dr. Manuel." 

I stare up at him as he checks my pupils and vitals. Does he expect me to really be able to remember anyone? The people crowd around the doctor and my anxiety rises.

'Your family's been waiting for a long time for you, so I will let you guys be together," And he begins to leave my bedside. 

"Wait!" I quickly manage to say, and motion him to come by my bedside. How do I say any of this? All these poor people want me to remember them but I can't. He kneels down and I whisper in his ear,  

"Who are all of these people and what has happened to me?"  

He looks at me completely confused, and turns around to look at my family. They all look like they're going to jump on me the minute he gives them the okay. I motion him back and say, 

"Please make them leave." Tears start to brim my eyes and one falls down my face. 

He nods understanding that I don't know anyone. Then he gets off of his knees and whispers something to my family. A women I'm guessing is my mother bends down and says, "Nelliena, I know you're in there, please don't make us leave."  

I turn to Doctor Manuel and I know that he understands.  

"I think we should give Nellie a little bit of time before we rush everything on her. It may cause more stress to her brain and make this worse. We all knew that there was a slight possibility that this would happen, and now that it has we will look to addressing it."  

My mother breaks down crying along with a few other women, while some men escort them out of my room. She keeps turning around hoping that I am going to remember her, but each time I feel more and more of a stranger. How can I not remember my family?

"Nellie, I need you to tell me everything that you remember so that we can try and find the best approach for this."

"All I remember is hearing someone diagnosing me with severe brain trauma and, dying for an hour and going into a coma with brain damage for over four months. That's all I know besides my name." I look at Dr. Manuel I could tell that he was worried. And he started shaking his head at me and said,

"I'm going to schedule you for a brain CT scan to see if we can find anything that is wrong, because this isn't making any sense. I'll send a nurse in to take you to the CT scan. Everything is going to be just fine, right now we need to be able to find out what's wrong." I nod my head and watch him walk out of the room.  

What is wrong with me?  


Leave comments and tell me what you think! This is my first story posting !  

I hope everyone likes it!  

Will post the second chapter later.  

x Izzy

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