Chapter 8

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Two Weeks Later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I hear people beside my bed talking about something, but my body is too weak to even respond. How long has it been since my seizure? I try and roll around to my side but I still feel the straps around my body holding me to the bed. The room suddenly turns quiet. I open my eyes to see my doctor and a nurse standing by my bed talking. I look around my room and there is no one else around; it's just us. Dr. Manuel turns and says to me,

"We sure have had a bunch of surprises from you."

"What happened? Everything was going just fine. Why did I have a seizure?"

"You took on too much at once Nellie. I told you, baby steps."

"Baby steps are stupid if you actually remember everything. Why does my brain keep doing this?" I notice that by the end I am yelling at him. But he doesn't seemed harmed.

Dr. Manuel looks back to me and says, "How about we take a walk? I bet you're feeling pretty claustrophobic right?" I nod and watch him leave the room to go and  get a wheel chair. So I lean over and grab another card that is sitting by my bed. It was from my dad. How was this even possible? My father is dead. I open up the envelope and read it.

My darling Nelliena,

I know that leaving you here without me to protect you is hard, but darling you are going to be okay. I'm sorry that you were so young when I got diagnosed, and then we all found out I didn't have much time. I want you to know that when I leave, it's not your fault. Please keep moving on, but don't forget me. I will always be watching over you. Now that you are eighteen, and fully a woman now, I know that you are going to be incredible. I love you so much, and take good care of your mother. Make sure that she is always happy. And don't forget to keep using that beautiful smile of yours. Until we meet again.

XO Dad

I look up and see Dr. Manuel leaning against the doorway. Was he standing there watching me the entire time? I quickly wipe the tears away as he brings the wheel chair into my room.

"I see you read the letter your father wrote to you when he found out he was dying. He was devistated Nellie, your father was an amazing man. I was so extremely luck to be able to know him. He always had quite the stories to tell. I definitely do miss him, and when I got the trauma call and you arrived here, I felt like he always knew this was coming. I just think he didn't know when."

He comes and sits by my bed extending his hand to me, so i gladly give him mine. He then helps me up and into the wheel chair. Slowly we leave the room and make our way down the hallway. I look into the room where the man was a few weeks ago. Now the man that Jake and I saw without a leg now occupied this room. His right leg bandaged, and a wrap is placed around his head. A girl around my age is sitting in the chair next to his bed and holding his hand. She turns and watches us walk past. I feel bad for her, you can see the circles underneath her eyes from no sleep.

We then move on to the next room and I see a girl laying in the bed with her arm in a cast, and her leg up in a sling. Family completely surrounding her bed, waiting for her to wake up. Every room that we passed on our way to the cafeteria kept getting worse and worse. Every person in the room turned and watched me. I gladly smile letting them know that I'm not done fighting yet.

I see my family sitting at a table just picking at their food. Most of my family has left the hospital and moved on with their lives. It's now just my parents, Mikah and Jake. I don't think any of them are expecting me being out and roaming around the hospital. I roll up and grab some cheese pizza because that is all I have been craving for forever. Dr. Manuel points to a water bottle so I nod and grab one too. He then pays for my lunch, and we make our way towards my parents, but a little girl runs up to me and gives me a flower. I nod and say thank you. She smiles and runs back away. None of my family have looked up yet. I'm very excited for them to be able to see me up and moving around without looking hopeless. Dr. Manuel pulls the chair away and pushes me next to Jake. He turns around and notices that it's me. His face immediatly lights up, and all of my family's do also when they see I'm there. They all jump from their seats and hug me. For the first time in a long time I finally feel like I'm a part of the family again. Everyone eventually sits down and begins eating.

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