Chapter 9

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Sorry guys! I had a really emotional week last week. And I moved on Sunday, so I really had NO time to write. I'm sorry! Enjoy! xx


I wake up back in my bed. Things look exactly the same but I don't remember being put back in here? How did I get here? I look around and the wheel chair is gone. My window blinds are closed and the door is shut. There are still the few cards by my bed wishing me the best of love.

Why are they doing this to me? I press the call button to see where my nurse is. Her name is Rayne Ruch. She is 24 and works in the ER all day every day. I watch her through the window in my door. She opens it with a smile, and my doctor follows her. What is going on here?

"Nellie, I believe we have some news for you. Good and bad, which one do you want to hear first?"

"Where's my family?"

"They are all sleeping in the waiting room. I didn't want to wake them up since they haven't got much sleep."

"Bad news first."

He nods and says, "The boy in the room next to you passed away last night after his surgery. Something must have happened during his surgery, I'm not sure. But it got infected, and killed him. I know you saw his fiance outside of his room. She was completely devistated when she found out he was going too have to be rushed in the OR. I think it was even harder when he died because she just found out that she is having his baby."

"Oh my god! Why does everyone around me keep dying! Every single person! Why does this keep happening!"

"Nellie, not everyone around you is dying, and that is what happens when you are in the ICU. Not everything is pretty, that's what sucks about this job."

"What the hell is the good news then!?"

"Your tumors gone, and for today, I'm letting you go out for one date with Jake tonight. But of course nurse Rayne will be coming with you. For safety reasons."

"Are you serious? I can really leave for the rest of the day?!"

"Yes, now Rayne is going to help you get ready. Hurry, Hurry."

Rayne then helps me out of bed and in the shower. It feels amazing to finally wash everything away. After I am done she leaves to go find me some new cloths. I look at myself in the mirror and see my bald head with scars and stitches from all the surgeries. My green eyes stand out with hazel piercing through it. My face is completely pale. This is the very first time I am seeing myself since I woke up a few months ago. I cannot even recognize myself. Rayne comes in with a beautiful blue sundress. It has thick straps and a bit of a low cut neckline. It goes out at the waist, and I love it! I quickly step into it eager to see how I look. I feel her zip me up and tell me to take a look. I turn around and I'm shocked at my reflection. I look beautiful. I don't feel like I could pass out dead any minute. I feel like a regular healthy eighteen year old. I smile at my reflection and twirl around in the mirror. Rayne keeps laughing and commenting on how girly I'm being, but I don't care, I finally feel alive. She brings up a wig, but I quickly turn her down. Jake loves me for the way I look right now; bald and stitched up. But I do ask her to put a little make-up on.

"Alright Nellie, are you ready to take a look?" I nod so she turns me around so I can look in the mirror. I look wow. Rayne didn't load on the makeup, but she put enough on so it distracts from my stitches. She holds my hand so I can quickly slip into some sandals.

"My god girl, you look stunning. Jake is going to piss himself when he sees you. You're growing up on me. I remember taking care of you every day when you were in a coma for those long four months. Jesus, I feel like I'm your mother." She wipes a tear before she gives me a big hug. But she is right, she has been given to be my nurse ever since I was emitted here. I do feel like she is more of my mother than my actual mother.

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