Chapter 7

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I am walking on the boardwalk with a few of my friends. This weekend ta fair was coming to town, and that is where you meet all the hot boys from every town. I live in Gulfport, Florida with my parents, older sister Ariela, and younger brother Mikah. My parents have given me the car tonight to drive my friends and I to the fair. I walk up and see a very cute guy staring at me. He then notices that i am looking at him, and he gives me a playful wink. I feel my cheeks begin getting red, so I quickly turn away. My friend Vanessa notices him staring at me and says,

"Wow Nellie, you really got that boy star struck over you. Why don't you bring him on over?" I smile and turn around and wave him over. I can just feel the butterflies growing inside of my stomach as he comes closer and closer.

"Hello there, I'm Jake." He reaches his hand out towards me as I say. "I'm Nellie, it's nice to mett you!"

Oh my gosh this boy has the most amazing blue eyes ever!

"How about we go take a walk so i can get to know you Nellie?"

I smile and agree and take his hand. I turn around and see Vanessa with a mischevious smile growing across her face.

"So Nellie, are you from around here?"

"Yeah, I go to high school here, are you from here? Because I have never seen you before?"

"I just moved here with my mom from Arizona. How old are you?"

"I just turned sixteen. Why here?"

All night we talked, and I have never met someone who can actually keep a conversation with me for that long. I learned that him and his mom moved out here to escape his abusive father. Also, he has a twenty-one year old brother Aiden who is in the airforce. Jake is seventeen, and turning eighteen in a few months. His favorite color is blue, and food is tacos. He wants to go to college for Criminal Justice. He has had eight girlfriends, but only one serious one which ended up bad because she cheated. His mom's name is Grace, and she is a ER nurse. We ended up sitting on the beach until midnight when Vanessa came to find us.

"How are you two love birds doing?"

We both just smiled and shrugged. I forgot that CeCe had to work in the morning so i quickly say goodbye to Jake. But one thing stayed in my mind. Do we kiss? I hate this, if he wants to kiss me, then he can be the man in this and do it. Before i could finish my thought Jake brought me in his arms and gave me a long kiss. All of the pre-kiss jitters that i had were officially gone. My body relaxed and I put my arms around his neck pulling him closer. We could've went longer if Vanessa hadn't coughed reminding us that it was time to leave. Sadly, the memory vanished and i was back in the hospital, again. Now I finally realize why Jake wants me to fight for him so much. What we have is special. It's the only thing that is able to bring my memory back. It brings the real me back. Even if our relationship has crazy ups and downs, I know that Jake is the one for me, and I'm not letting him down.

I quickly press the call button for my nurse, eager for her to bring Jake to me. I keep pressing the button but no one comes. I give up after a few tries and look over to my nightstand. I reach out to my pile of cards sitting there and begin to open the first. It was a letter from my mom.

"My beautiful Nellie,

I am not sure how much you will remember if and when you wake up. But i just want you to know that your father loved you very much. I know you're still not excepting of Miles yet, but I know your father would have wanted me to move on. I love you very much honey, ever since the day you were born everyone knew that someday you are going to do something incredible. I am so proud of you Nelliena, whether you remember me or not. You are becoming such an incredible woman Nellie, and I love you so much. I cannot wait to see those piercing green eyes of yours!

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