Not An Update

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Hey everyone! I just want to say a massive thank you to everyone who has stayed here and kept with this story! It means so much and I don't think all of you understand that. I've been going through a lot lately which has made me depressed and really upset with a lot of things. This new year was supposed to bring a lot of new things, but it hasn't. I feel so terrible for not updating for so long but I promise when I do update (which will be very soon) it'll be longer than usual. A lot of bad habits that not a lot of people know about have come back and started to hurt me again. I always worry about my weight and I'm really glad my step brother was able to step in and save me this time. Instead of starving myself he convinced me to join a gym and eat healthier, doing this I'll be able to feel better about myself rather than what I feel now. I've been going strong for a week now and I'm really happy with it. Lifting gives me a better sense of myself and I'm getting my confidence back. I love you all very much and I just hope you all understand that this is why I haven't been able to update and I feel terrible. School's becoming a lot easier and now I'm not as scared for what other people have to say about me. Everyone is entitled to their own oppinion it just happens to be that I just don't want to hear all the negative. My family drama has slowly gone down which is the biggest blessing in the world. I'm not sure how much more of it I could've taken. Well I'll stop boring all of you with this, hopefully updating sunday! Saturday I have a date :) 

Stay Beautiful Everyone 



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